



  • 中文名:丁淑蓉
  • 畢業院校:天津大學力學系
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:固體力學
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 任職院校:復旦大學航空航天系
  • 職稱:復旦大學航空航天系教授



1989.9-1993.7 湖南大學工程力學系讀本科,獲工程力學專業理學學士學位.
1993.9-1996.4 大連理工大學工程力學所攻讀碩士,獲計算力學專業碩士學位.
2001.9-2005.9 天津大學力學系攻讀博士學位,獲固體力學專業博士學位.


1996.4-1999.3 大連理工大學力學系材料力學教研室任教,助教.
1999.3-2005.9 天津大學力學系材料力學教研室任教,1999年6月評為講師,2005年6月評為副教授.
2005.9-2008.1 復旦大學力學與工程科學系做博士後研究.
2008.1- 2015.12 復旦大學力學與工程科學系任教 副教授.
2012.1- 至今 復旦大學航空航天系博士生導師.
2015.12-至今 復旦大學航空航天系 教授
2014.7-2014.8 美國西北太平洋國家實驗室訪問學者.
2015.7-2015.8 德國卡爾斯魯厄理工學院(KIT)核與能源技術研究所、瑞士保羅謝爾研究所訪問學者





















[1]. 彌散型核燃料元件輻照-熱-力耦合特性研究, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(負責)
[2]. 彌散核燃料元件輻照損傷作用下的細觀熱力耦合行為研究, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(負責)
[3]. 次錒系元素非均相核燃料燃燒演化的熱力學行為多尺度模擬, 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫(負責)
[4]. 單片型UMo合金核燃料元件的界面破壞機理研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目 (負責)
[5]. 構件協同變形模型研究, 973項目子專題(負責)
[6]. 彌散燃料元件堆內輻照熱-力耦合行為數值模擬技術研究, 國家重點實驗室運行基金 (負責)
[7]. 彌散型核燃料元件的輻照力學行為研究,上海市博士後基金 (負責)
[8]. 燃料棒鋯合金包殼堆內氫致延遲開裂模型及程式開發, 科研院所協作項目(負責)
[9]. 板型燃料組件輻照熱-力學行為數值模擬技術研究, 科研院所協作項目(負責)
[10]. 全局物態方程模型及數據計算測試, 科研院所協作項目(負責)
[11] .顆粒流散裂靶結構的輻照熱力學行為研究, 科研院所協作項目(負責)
[12]. 核燃料元件微動損傷分析和預測的關鍵技術研究,國家科技部863課題(骨幹參與)
[13]. 核燃料中裂變氣體力-熱耦合擴散與滲流行為研究,教育部博士點基金(骨幹參與)
[14]. 彌散型核燃料元件的力學可靠性研究, 上海市自然科學基金項目(骨幹參與)
[15]. 彌散型核燃料元件最佳化設計與可靠性分析及計算軟體包的研製,上海市浦江人才計畫(骨幹參與)
[16]. 熱塑性複合材料層合板亞臨界損傷的細觀力學行為研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(骨幹參與)
[17]. 松花江特大橋鋼構連線墩梁固結點的光彈實驗分析與有限元分析,科研院所協作項目(骨幹參與)


[1] Yunmei Zhao, Xin Gong, Yi Cui, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of the fission-induced swelling and creep in the CERCER fuel pellets, Materials & Design, 2016, 89:183-195. (SCI/EI)
[2] Yi Cui, Shurong Ding*, Zengtao Chen, Yongzhong Huo, Modifications and applications of the mechanistic
gaseous swelling model for UMo fuel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015, 457:157-164.
[3] Yunmei Zhao, Xin Gong, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of the irradiation-induced thermo-mechanical behaviors
evolution in monolithic UMo/Zr fuel plates under a heterogeneous irradiation condition, Nuclear Engineeringand Design, 2015, 285: 86-97.
[4] Xin Gong, Yijie Jiang, Shurong Ding*, et al., Simulation of the inpile behaviors evolution in nuclear fuel rodswith the irradiation damage effects, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2014, 27(6):551-567.
[5] Xin Gong, Yunmei Zhao, Shurong Ding*, A new method to simulate the micro-thermo-
mechanical behaviors evolution in dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Mechanics of Materials, 2014,
[6] Yunmei Zhao, Xin Gong, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, A numerical method for simulatingthenonhomogeneous irradiation effects in fullsized dispersion nuclear fuel plates, International Journal ofMechanical Sciences, 2014, 81:174-183.(SCI/EI)
[7] Shurong Ding*, Yunmei Zhao, Jibo Wan, et al., Simulation of the irradiation-induced microthermomechanical behaviors evolution in ADS nuclear fuel pellets, Journalof Nuclear Materials, 2013, 442(1-3): 90–99.(SCI/EI)
[8] Yi Cui, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, et al., An efficient numerical method for intergranular fission gasevolution under transient with piecewise boundary resolution, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013,
443(1-3): 570-578. (SCI/EI)
[9] Xin Gong, Shurong Ding*,Yunmei Zhao, et al., Effects of irradiation hardening and creep on the
thermomechanical behaviors in inert matrix fuel elements, 2013, Mechanics of Materials, 2013,
65:110–123. (SCI/EI)
[10] Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, et al., An analytical solution for simulation of the fission gas
behaviors with time-dependent piece-wise boundary resolution, 2012,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2012,424(1–3): 109-115 (SCI /EI).
[11] Yijie Jiang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Prediction of the micro-thermo-mechanical behaviors in dispersion nuclear fuel plates with heterogeneous particle distributions, 2011,Journal of Nuclear Materials 418: 69-79. (SCI/ EI)
[12] Yijie Jiang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Threedimensional FE Analysis of the thermal-
mechanical behaviors in the nuclear fuel rods, Annals of Nuclear Energy , 2011, 38: 2581-2593.(SCI/EI).
[13] Qiming Wang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of the coupling behaviors of particle and
matrix irradiation swelling and cladding irradiation growth of plate type dispersion nuclear fuel elements,Mechanics of Materials, 2011, 43: 222-241. (SCI/EI)
[14] Yijie Jiang, Qiming Wang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of irradiation hardening of
Zircaloy within platetype dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011,413(2):76-89. (SCI/EI)
[15] Yijie Jiang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, A method for 3D simulation of internal gas effects onthermalmechanical behaviors in nuclear fuel elements, Nuclear Science and Techniques,2011,22 (3):185-192 (SCI)
[16] Qiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, Research on the interfacial behaviors of
platetype dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2010, 399(1): 41-54. (SCI /EI)
[17] Qiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion
nuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect I: Effects of variations of the fuelparticle volume fractions, Journal of nuclear materials, 2010, 400(2):157-174. (SCI/EI)
[18] Shurong Ding, Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion nuclear fuel plates
induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect II: Effects of variations of the fuel particle diameters,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2010, 397( 1-3): 80- 91. (SCI/EI)
[19] Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding* et al., Numerical Study on the Thermal-elastoplastic Behaviors of Platetype Dispersion Nuclear Fuel Elements, International Journal of NonlinearSciences and Numerical Simulation, 2010, 11(7): 477-487. (SCI)
[20] Shurong Ding, J.W.Tong, M. Shen, Yongzhong Huo, Three-dimension elastic-plastic analysis of the
interlaminar stresses for the AS4/PEEK composite laminate with a circular hole, Mechanics of Advanced
Materials and Structures, 2010, 17(6): 406-418. (SCI/EI)
[21] Ding, Shurong, Tong, J. W., Wang, Z. Y., Huo, Yongzhong, Fracture Characters and Damage Mechanism
of the Notched AS4/PEEK Composite Laminate, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2010,
23 (5): 565- 581. (SCI/EI)
[22] Shurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo, Xiaoqing Yan, Modeling of the Heat Transfer Performance of plate-
type Dispersion Nuclear Elements,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, 392(3): 498-504. (SCI/EI)
[23] Shurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo, Lin an Li, Effects of Fission Heat and Fuel Swelling on the thermal-
mechanical Behaviors of Dispersion Fuel Elements, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,
2009, 16(7): 552-559. (SCI/EI)
[24] Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding*, J.W. Tong, Yongzhong Huo, Elasticplastic numerical simulation of theinterlaminar stresses for the notched angleply thermoplastic composite laminate, Mechanics of CompositeMaterials, 2009, 45(3): 293-302. (SCI/EI)
[25] S. R. Ding, Y. Z. Huo, Finite element modeling of thermalmechanical behaviors of dispersion fuel elements,Nuclear Technology, 2008, 163(3): 416-425. (SCI/EI)
[26] S. R. Ding, X. Jiang, Y. Z. Huo, L.A. Li, Reliability analysis of dispersion nuclear fuel elements,
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2008, 374(3): 453-460.(SCI/EI).


