丁昌林 男 ,出生年月1982年12月,博士,西北工業大學理學院套用物理系副教授。
- 中文名:丁昌林
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1982.12
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西北工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士、研究生
- 專業方向:主要從事聲學超材料的研究工作
- 職務:副教授
2006.9--2011.12, 西北工業大學,理學院套用物理系,博士
2005.9--2006.7 西北工業大學,理學院套用物理系,碩士
2001.9—2005.7 西北工業大學,理學院套用物理系,學士
1. Changlin Ding, Huaijun Chen, Shilong Zhai and Xiaopeng Zhao* “The anomalous manipulation of acoustic waves based on planar metasurface with split hollow sphere” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 045303 (2015).
2. Changlin Ding, Xiaopeng Zhao*, Huaijun Chen, Shilong Zhai, and Fangliang Shen, “Reflected wavefronts modulation with acoustic metasurface based on double-split hollow sphere” Applied Physics A 120: 487-493 (2015).
3. Changlin Ding, Huaijun Chen, Shilong Zhai andXiaopeng Zhao, “Acoustic metamaterial based on multi-split hollow spheres”,Applied Physics A,112(3): 533-541. (2013)
4. Changlin Ding, andXiaopeng Zhao,“Multiband and broadband acoustic metamaterial with resonant structures”,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,44: 215402. (2011)(2011 highlight of Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics)
5. Changlin Ding, Limei Hao , and Xiaopeng Zhao, “Two-dimensional acoustic metamaterial with negative modulus”,Journal of Applied Physics,108: 074911. (2010)
6. 丁昌林, 趙曉鵬,“可聽聲頻段的聲學超材料”,物理學報 58: 6351-6355. (2009)
7. 丁昌林, 趙曉鵬, 郝麗梅, 朱衛仁, “一種基於開口空心球的聲學超材料”物理學報,60: 044301. (2011)
8. Huaijun Chen, Hongcheng Zeng,Changlin Ding, Chunrong Luo and Xiaopeng Zhao, “Double-negative acoustic metamaterial based on hollow steel tube meta-atom”,Journal of Applied Physics,113:104902-104908. (2013)
9. Hong-Cheng Zeng, Chun-Rong Luo, Huai-Jun Chen, Shi-Long Zhai,Chang-Lin Ding, and Xiao-Peng Zhao, “Flute-model acoustic metamaterials with simultaneously negative bulk modulus and mass density”,Solid State Communications,173(0): 14-18 (2013).
10. Limei Hao,Changlin Ding,Xiaopeng Zhao, “Design of a passive controllable negative modulus metamaterial with a split hollow sphere of multiple holes”Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 135: 041008. (2013).
11. Limei Hao,Changlin Ding,Xiaopeng Zhao, “Tunable acoustic metamaterial with negative modulus”,Applied Physics A,106: 807. (2012)
12. Limei Hao,Changlin Ding, Xiaopeng Zhao “A Novel Electric Elastomer Based on Starch/Transformer Oil Drop/Silicone Rubber Hybrid”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,119: 2991–2995. (2011)
13. Weiren Zhu,Changlin Ding, andXiaopeng Zhao, “A numerical method for designing acoustic cloak with homogeneous metamaterials”,Applied Physics Letters,97: 131902. (2010)