美國材料學會會員、中國化學學會會員、中國微納米技術學會高級會員。擔任國際雜誌Recent Patents on Nanotechnology、The Open Surface Science Journal、Journal of Modern Textile Science and Engineering和The Internet Journal of Nanotechnology的編委。東北師大套用化學系學士、韓國全北大學高分子材料學碩士、日本慶應大學納米材料學博士和博士後、日本SNT納米科技開發會社主任研究員、美國加州大學戴維斯分校博士後。先後與美國空氣過濾器公司、韓國生物製品公司、日本荏原實業過濾器、日本椿本、日本橋石、日本空氣過濾、日本豐田、日本帝人化學以及日本丸文研究財團合作開發納米高科技產品,部分產品已實現工業化生產。
1、J. Lin, Y. Cai, X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Fabrication of biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces inspired from lotus leaf and silver ragwort leaf”, Nanoscale 2011, 3, 1258-1262.
2、X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Electro-netting: fabrication of two-dimensional nano-nets for highly sensitive trimethylamine sensing”, Nanoscale 2011, 3, 911-915.
3、C. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Lin, Bin Ding*, et al., “Polyethyleneimine functionalized nanoporous polystyrene fibers for enhanced formaldehyde sensing”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2011, 152, 316-323. (IF: 3.1)
4、S. Yang, X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Controllable fabrication of soap-bubble-like structured polyacrylic acid nano-nets via electro-netting”, Nanoscale 2011, 3(2), 564-568.
5、H. Deng, X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Fabrication of polymer/layered silicate intercalated nanofibrous mats and their bacterial inhibition activity”, Carbohydrate Polymers 2011, 83, 973-978. (IF: 3.2)
6、H. Deng, X. Wang, P. Liu, Bin Ding*, et al., Xianwen Hu and Jianhong Yang, “Enhanced bacterial inhibition activity of layer-by-layer structured polysaccharide film-coated cellulose nanofibrous mats via addition of layered silicate”, Carbohydrate Polymers 2011, 83, 239-245. (IF: 3.2)
7、Bin Ding*, M. Wang,et al., “Electrospun nanomaterials and highly sensitive sensors”, Materials Today 2010, 13(11), 16-27. (IF: 11.5)
8、J. Lin, Bin Ding*, et al., “Effect of porous structure of electrospun fibers on theirspecific surface area: theoretical analysis and experimental verification”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation2010, 11(7), 523-527. (IF: 5.3).
9、X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Quartz crystal microbalance-based nanofibrous membranes for humidity detection: theoretical model and experimental verification”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation2010, 11(7), 509-515. (IF: 5.3).
10、M. Sun,X. Li, Bin Ding*, et al., “Mechanical and wettable behavior of polyacrylonitrile reinforced fibrous polystyrene mats”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2010, 347, 147-152. (IF: 3).
11、X. Mao, Bin Ding*, et al., “Self-assembly of phthalocyanine and polyacrylic acid composite multilayers on cellulose nanofibers”, Carbohydrate Polymers 2010, 80, 839-844. (IF: 3.2).
12、H. Deng, X. Zhou, X. Wang, C. Zhang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Layer-by-layer structured polysaccharides film-coated cellulose nanofibrous mats for cell culture”, Carbohydrate Polymers 2010, 80, 475-480. (IF: 3.2)
13、J. Lin, Bin Ding*, et al., “Direct fabrication of highly nanoporous polystyrene fibers via electrospinning”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2010, 2(2) 521-528.
14、X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “Nanofibrous polyethyleneimine membranes as sensitive coatings for quartz crystal microbalance-based formaldehyde sensors”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2010, 144, 11-17. (IF: 3.1)
15、M. Guo, Bin Ding*, et al., “Amphiphobic nanofibrous silica mats with flexible and high-heat-resistant properties”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C2010, 114(2), 916-921. (IF: 4.2)
16、X. Wang, Bin Ding*, et al., “A highly sensitive humidity sensor based on a nanofibrousmembrane coated quartz crystal microbalance”, Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 055502. (IF: 3.1)
17、X. Li, Bin Ding*, et al., “Enhanced mechanical properties of super-hydrophobic microfibrous polystyrene mats via polyamide 6 nanofibers”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C2009, 113(47), 20452-20457. (IF: 4.2)
18、Bin Ding*, et al., “Gas sensors based on electrospunnanofibers”, Sensors 2009, 9, 1609-1624. (IF: 1.8)
19、P. Lu, Q. Huang, D. Jiang, Bin Ding, et al., “Highly dispersive carbon nanotube/alumina composites and their electrospun nanofibers” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2009, 92(11), 2583-2589. (IF: 1.9)
Recent Patents on Nanotechnology The Open Surface Science Journal Journal of Modern Textile Science and Engineering The Internet Journal of Nanotechnology Membranes (Guest Editor for Special Issue) 現擔任Journal of the American Chemical Society, Macromolecules,Nanotechnology等67個國際雜誌審稿人,審稿近200篇。
韓國全北大學高分子材料學碩士、日本慶應大學納米材料學博士和博士後、日本SNT納米科技開發會社主任研究員、美國加州大學戴維斯分校博士後。現與美國加州大學戴維斯分校(University of California, Davis),美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室(Los Alamos National Laboratory),美國約翰霍普金斯大學(The Johns Hopkins University),美國西維吉尼亞大學(West Virginia University),美國紐約州立大學大學石溪分校(The State University of New York, Stony Brook),日本慶應義塾大學(Keio University),韓國全北國立大學(Chonbuk National University)等保持緊密科研合作關係。