- 中文名:丁奠元
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:農業水利工程
- 任職院校:揚州大學
2016年5月赴加拿大阿爾伯塔大學(University of Alberta)交流訪問;
2018年12月至2019年12月,赴美國肯塔基大學(University of Kentucky)訪學一年。
1. 主持和參與的科研項目
(2)中國博士後科學基金第63批面上項目,“雙晚+覆膜”栽培模式下黃土高原氣候資源承載力研究,2018.5-2019.11, 5萬,主持人;
(5)揚州大學博士科研啟動基金資助項目,2016.11-2019.10, 1.5萬,主持人;
[1] Ding, Dianyuan, Hao Feng, Ying Zhao, Robert Lee Hill, Huimin Yan, Haixin Chen, Huijing Hou et al. 2019. Effects of continuous plastic mulching on crop growth in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system on the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
[2] Zhao, Ying#, Dianyuan Ding#, Bingcheng Si, Zhenhua Zhang, Wei Hu, and Jeff Schoenau. 2019. Temporal variability of water footprint for cereal production and its controls in Saskatchewan, Canada. Science of The Total Environment
[3] Ding, Dianyuan, Ying Zhao, Hao Feng, Robert Lee Hill, Xiaosheng Chu, Tibin Zhang, and Jianqiang He. 2018. Soil water utilization with plastic mulching for a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system on the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural water management,
[4] Ding, Dianyuan, Ying Zhao, Hui Guo, Xueyan Li, Jeff Schoenau, and Bingcheng Si. 2018. Water Footprint for Pulse, Cereal, and Oilseed Crops in Saskatchewan, Canada. Water,
[5] Ding, Dianyuan, Ying Zhao, Hao Feng, Xinhua Peng, and Bingcheng Si. 2016. Using the double-exponential water retention equation to determine how soil pore-size distribution is linked to soil texture. Soil and Tillage Research
[6] Ding, D., Feng, H., Zhao, Y., Liu, W., Chen, H., He, J. 2016. Impact assessment of climate change and later-maturing cultivars on winter wheat growth and soil water deficit on the loess plateau of china. Climatic Change,
[7] Ding, Dianyuan, Feng, Hao, Zhao, Ying, He, Jianqiang, Zou, Yufeng, Jin, Jiming. 2016. Modifying Winter Wheat Sowing Date as an Adaptation to Climate Change on the Loess Plateau. Agronomy Journal,
[8] Ding, Dianyuan, Hao Feng, Ying Zhao, Bing-cheng Si, Robert Lee Hill. A user-friendly modified pore-solid fractal model. Scientific reports, 2016
[9] 丁奠元,嚴惠敏,王乃江,等.基於RZWQM2的黃土高原旱地冬小麥生長關鍵氣象因子分析[J].揚州大學學報(農業與生命科學版),2018
[10] 丁奠元, 趙英, 方圓, 等. 活性炭對農田土壤孔隙結構的影響[J]. 乾旱地區農業研究, 2018
[11] 丁奠元, 馮浩, 趙英, 等. 氨化秸稈還田對土壤孔隙結構的影響[J]. 植物營養與肥料學報, 2016
[12] 丁奠元, 趙英, 孫本華, 等. 根區水質模型在黃土高原旱區冬小麥氮肥管理中的適用性分析[J]. 農業工程學報, 2015