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  • 中文名:丁俊
  • 國籍中國
  • 性別:女


芝加哥大學, Ben May癌症研究中心




1. Frontiers in Chemistry special issue “Recent Application of Nanomaterials in Sample Preparation”客座編輯;
2. Analytical Chemistry, AnayticaChimica Acta, Journal of Chromatography A, 《分析科學學報》審稿人;Grant proposal for the National Science Center, Poland評審。


1. 湖北省青年拔尖人才培養計畫(2023-2025),項目負責人;
2. 國家自然科學基金面上基金項目(2021-2024),基於化學衍生-計算機模擬二級質譜圖資料庫策略的醯基輔酶A全分析方法研究,項目負責人;
3. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(2017-2019),基於富勒烯衍生物的MALDI-MS反應性基質研究及其在生物活性小分子快速檢測中的套用,項目負責人;
4. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金(2016-2017),基於尿肌氨酸的前列腺癌早期診斷方法研究,項目負責人。


  1. J. Ding, Y. Q. Feng, Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics for clinical study: Recent progresses and applications. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 158 (2023) 116896.
  2. J. Sun, J. Ding, Q. Shen, X. Wang, M. Wang, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, H. Zhu, F. Zhang, D. Wu, M. Peng, Z. Zhang, Y. Yuan, W. Li, Z-G. She, X. Zhang, H. Li, P. Zhang, Z. Huang, Decreased propionyl-CoA metabolism facilitates metabolic reprogramming and promotes hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hepatology, 2023, DOI 10.1016/j.jhep.2022.11.017. (#Co-first author)
  3. J. Ding, J. Ji, Z. Rabow, T. Shen, J. Folz, C. Brydges, S. Fan, X. Lu, S. Mehta, M. Showalter, Y. Zhang, R. Araiza, L. Bower, K. Lloyd, O. Fiehn, A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain, Nature Communications, 12 (2021) 6021.
  4. J. Ding, T. Kind, Q.F. Zhu, Y. Wang, J.W. Yan, O. Fiehn, Y.Q. Feng, In-Silico-Generated Library for Sensitive Detection of 2-Dimethylaminoethylamine Derivatized FAHFA Lipids Using High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 92 (2020) 5960-5968.
  5. L. Yu, J. Ding, Y.-L. Wang, P. Liu, Y.-Q. Feng, 4-Phenylaminomethyl-benzeneboric acid modified tip extraction for determination of brassinosteroids in plant tissues by stable isotope Labeling–Liquid Chromatography–Mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 88 (2015) 1286-1293.
  6. J. Ding, G. Chen, G. Chen, M. Guo, One-Pot Synthesis of Epirubicin-Capped Silver Nanoparticles and Their Anticancer Activity against Hep G2 Cells, Pharmaceutics, 11 (2019) 123.
  7. J. Ding, H.-M. Xiao, S. Liu, C. Wang, X. Liu, Y.-Q. Feng, A matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry method for the analysis of small molecules by integrating chemical labeling with the supramolecular chemistry of cucurbituril, Analytica ChimicaActa, 1026 (2018) 77-86.
  8. J. Ding, S. Liu, H.-M. Xiao, T.T. Ye, P. Zhou, Y.-Q. Feng, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for the analysis of polyamines in plant micro-tissues using cucurbituril as a host molecule, Analytica ChimicaActa, 987 (2017) 56-63.
  9. J. Ding, X.-T. Luo, Y.-R. Yao, H.-M. Xiao, M.-Q. Guo, Investigation of changes in endocannabinoids and N-acylethanolamides in biofluids, and their correlations with female infertility, Journal of Chromatography A, 1509 (2017) 16-25.
  10. J. Ding, L.-J. Mao, N. Guo, L. Yu, Y.-Q. Feng, Determination of endogenous brassinosteroids using sequential magnetic solid phase extraction followed by in situ derivatization/desorption method coupled with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 1446 (2016) 103-113.
  11. J. Ding, J.-H. Wu, J.-F. Liu, B.-F. Yuan, Y.-Q. Feng, Improved methodology for assaying brassinosteroids in plant tissues using magnetic hydrophilic material for both extraction and derivatization, Plant methods, 10 (2014) 39.
  12. J. Ding, L.-J. Mao, B.-F. Yuan, Y.-Q. Feng, A selective pretreatment method for determination of endogenous active brassinosteroids in plant tissues: double layered solid phase extraction combined with boronate affinity polymer monolith microextraction, Plant Methods, 9 (2013) 13.
  13. J. Ding, L.J. Mao, S.T. Wang, B.F. Yuan, Y.Q. Feng, Determination of Endogenous Brassinosteroids in Plant Tissues Using Solid‐phase Extraction with Double Layered Cartridge Followed by High‐performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Phytochemical Analysis, 24 (2013) 386-394.
  14. J. Ding, Q. Gao, X.S. Li, W. Huang, Z.G. Shi, Y.Q. Feng, Magnetic solid‐phase extraction based on magnetic carbon nanotube for the determination of estrogens in milk,Journal of separation science, 34 (2011) 2498-2504.
  15. J. Ding, Q. Gao, D. Luo, Z.-G. Shi, Y.-Q. Feng, n-Octadecylphosphonic acid grafted mesoporous magnetic nanoparticle: Preparation, characterization, and application in magnetic solid-phase extraction, Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010) 7351-7358.
  16. C.F. Xiong, J. Ding, Q.F. Zhu, Y.L. Bai, X.M. Yin, T.-T. Ye, Q.-W. Yu, Y.-Q. Feng*, Boron Isotope Tag-Assisted Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Discovery and Annotation of cis-Diol-Containing Metabolites, Analytical Chemistry, 93 (2021) 3002–3009. (#Co-first author)
  17. P. Wu, H.-M. Xiao, J. Ding, Q.-Y. Deng, F. Zheng, Y.-Q. Feng, Development of C60-based labeling reagents for the determination of low-molecular-weight compounds by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass (I): Determination of amino acids in microliter biofluids, Analytica ChimicaActa, 960 (2017) 90-100.
  18. D. Chen, J. Ding, M.-K. Wu, T.-Y. Zhang, C.-B. Qi, Y.-Q. Feng, A liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method based on post column derivatization for automated analysis of urinary hexanal and heptanal, Journal of Chromatography A, 1493 (2017) 57-63. (#Co-first author)
  19. X.-M. He, J. Ding, L. Yu, D. Hussain, Y.-Q. Feng, Black phosphorus-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for the determination of low-molecular-weight compounds in biofluids, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408 (2016) 6223-6233.
  20. D. Zhang, Z. Tang, H. Huang, G. Zhou, C. Cui, Y. Weng, W. Liu, S. Kim, S. Lee, M. Perez-Neut, J. Ding, etc., Yingming Zhao, Metabolic regulation of gene expression by histone lactylation, Nature, 574 (2019) 575-580.
  21. Y. Fang, X. Xu, J. Ding, L. Yang, M. T., Doan, P. W. F., Karmaus, N. W., Snyder, Y., Zhao; J. L., Li, X. Li, Histone crotonylation promotes mesoendodermal commitment of human embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, 28 (2021), 748-763.
  22. Z. Zhu, Z. Han, L. Halabelian, X. Yang, J. Ding, N. Zhang, L. Ngo, J. Song, H. Zeng, M. He, Y. Zhao, C. H. Arrowsmith, M. Luo, M. G. Bartlett, Y. G. Zheng, Identification of lysine isobutyrylation as a new histone modification mark. Nucleic Acids Research, 49 (2021) 177-189.


