Applied Ergonomics、Ergonomics、Human factors、Behaviour &InformationTechnology、International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics、International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction、IEEE Access等期刊審稿人
工作健康及安全(Safety and Health at Work)
人機器人互動(Human-Robot Interaction)
行為決策的生理心理研究(Psychophysiological research on Behavioral Decision)
[1] Yi Ding, Yaqin Cao*, Vincent G. Duffy, Yi Wang, Xuefeng Zhang. Measurement and identification of mental workload during simulated computer tasks with multimodal methods and machine learning[J]. Ergonomics, 2020, 63(7), 896-908.
[2] Yi Ding, Yaqin Cao*, Vincent G. Duffy, Xuefeng Zhang. It is time to have a rest: How do break types affect muscular activity and perceived discomfort during prolonged sitting work[J]. Safety and Health at Work, 2020, 11(2): 207-214.
[3] Yi Ding, Yaqin Cao*, Qingxing Qu, Vincent G. Duffy. An Exploratory Study Using Electroencephalography (EEG) to Measure the Smartphone User Experience in the Short Term[J]. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2020, 36(11): 1008-1021.
[4] 汪 意,丁 一*,陳明雙,操雅琴.VDT模擬作業的腦功能網路分析及腦力負荷識別研究.工業工程與管理,2020, 錄用.
[5] Yi Ding, Yaqin Cao*, Vincent G. Duffy. (2020) Looking toward the future of mental workload research through the past: A bibliometric analysis of 1990–2020. AHFE2020, accepted.
[6] Peilin Li, Yi Wang, Yi Ding*, Yaqin Cao, Vincent G. Duffy. (2020). The effect of break on discomfort and variation in EMG activities while using a smartphone: A preliminary study in a Chinese university population, HCII2020, accepted.
[7] Yaqin Cao, Qingxing Qu, Vincent G. Duffy, Yi Ding. Attention for Web Directory Advertisements: A Top-Down or Bottom-Up Process? [J]. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2019, 35(1): 89-98.
[8] Yaqin Cao, Yi Ding, Yiming Deng, Xuefeng Zhang. Effects of Mobile Application Icon Complexity and Border on College Students’ Cognition, the 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Washington D.C. USA, July 24-28, 2019, 273-279.
[9] Yi Ding, Yaqin Cao*, Yi Wang. Physiological indicators of mental workload in visual display terminal work, the 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Washington D.C. USA, 2019, July 24-28, 86-94.
[10] Ding Y, Guo F, Hu M, Cao Y. Using event related potentials to investigate visual aesthetic perception of product appearance[J]. Human Factors & Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2017, 27(5): 223-232.
[11] Guo, F., Ding, Y., Liu, W., Liu, C., & Zhang, X. (2016). Can eye-tracking data be measured to assess product design?: Visual attention mechanism should be considered.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,53, 229-235.
[12] Ding, Y., Guo, F., Zhang, X., Qu, Q., & Liu, W. (2016). Using event related potentials to identify a user's behavioural intention aroused by product form design.Applied ergonomics,55, 117-123.
[13] Guo, F., Ding, Y., Wang, T., Liu, W., & Jin, H. (2016). Applying event related potentials to evaluate user preferences toward smartphone form design.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,54, 57-64.
[1] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(71801002):考慮認知特徵的移動端App用戶體驗過程模型及多模式測量研究,在研,主持.
[2] 教育部人文社科青年基金項目(18YJC630023):VDT持續作業的腦力負荷預測及干預策略研究在研,主持.
[3] 安徽省自然科學基金青年基金項目(1808085QG228):視覺顯示終端作業腦力負荷的多模式測量及疲勞預警模型研究,在研,主持.
[4] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(71701003):基於神經人因學的移動端網站情感測量及最佳化,在研,第一參與人。