



  • 書名:一句話說出美國范兒老美常用旅遊英語
  • 作者金利
  • ISBN:9787517029137
  • 類別:圖書>外語>口語/生活實用英語>出國旅遊英語
  • 定價:¥29.80
  • 出版社:水利水電出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年01月 
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:大32開
  • 叢書名:一句話說出美國范兒


本書以旅行中最實用的句子為切入口,為大家示範*“美國范兒”的英文表達,結合時下流行的美劇、電影,奉上全球最地道的英語盛宴。不僅如此,本書在細數*“美國范兒”話題的同時,更加注重從句式和辭彙的角度夯實讀者最基本的英語基礎知識,在同一個主題下發散式地為大家奉上極具輻射性的相關表達,豐富大家的句庫和口語辭彙,達到舉一反三的學習效果,為你打造一口準確地道的流利美語。 本書包含美國人背包出遊最常用、最實用的旅行英語,從出發前準備、預訂機票和酒店到一路走一路吃、掃貨、觀光、應對突髮狀況等,出門在外需要的口語表達都在這裡。旅途中急需的話隨需隨查,總能找到你最需要的那一句。


Chapter 1 出發前準備
Sentence 1 諮詢旅行社、確定行程
Could you recommend a popular route?
Sentence 2 辦護照
What do I need to apply for a passport?
Sentence 3 訂機票
I'd like to reserve a flight.
Sentence 4 兌換外幣、旅行支票
I'd like to change some foreign currency.
Chapter 2 空中之旅
Sentence 1 換登機牌
I want to check in for my flight to New York.
Sentence 2 託運行李
I want to check my luggage.
Sentence 3 轉機、出入境
Can you find me a connecting flight?
Sentence 4 登機、落座
Where is the gate?
Sentence 5 機上服務
May I have a blanket.please?
Sentence 6 暈機
May I have some medicine for airsickness?
Sentence 7 倒時差
I've got jetlag.
Chapter 3 車輪上的旅程
Sentence 1 坐公車游倫敦
Which bus should I take?
Sentence 2 坐捷運游巴黎
Where do I change to the Train A?
Sentence 3打的要預約
Are you engaged?
Sentence 4 租車游美國更時尚
I want to rent an economy car.
Sentence 5 坐著火車游歐洲
Is this a through train?
Chapter 4 酒店住宿
Sentence 1 預訂房間
May I reserve a single room?
Sentence 2 酒店接送、人住登記
Please fill out this registration form.
Sentence 3 客房服務
I'd like a wake—up call.please.
Sentence 4 抱怨投訴
I'm going to complain to your superiors.
Sentence 5 退房
I want to settle my account.
Sentence 6 背包客棧
I have stayed at a Youth Hostel.
Chapter 5 海外掃貨
Sentence 1 買當地特產
Is there a souvenir shop near here?
Sentence 2 買衣服
May I try it on?
Sentence 3 藝術品店
Would you please show me that mural?
Sentence 4 買化妝品
Do you have the latest Christian Dior perfume?
Sentence 5 買電子產品
I'm an iPhone fanatic.
Sentence 6 購物免稅和退稅
Can I get a tax refund for this?
Chapter 6 一路走一路吃
Sentence 1 選擇餐廳
What is the specialty of the house?
Sentence 2 預訂餐桌
I'd like to reserve a table for eight.
Sentence 3 進店點餐
What'S the house special?
Sentence 4 抱怨餐點、提出要求
Would you please check on our order? 82
Sentence 5 結賬打包
Could you wrap this,please? 87
Sentence 6 去美國品美味快餐
I'd like a hamburger and a large order of French
Sentence 7 英國酒吧小憩
May I ioin you?
Sentence 8 關於小費
Here is your tip,please.
Chapter 7 觀光遊覽
Sentence 1 遊客中心信息諮詢
Is St.Peter's Cathedral open today?
Sentence 2 遊樂場
What time does it open?
Sentence 3 動物園、海洋館
Excuse me,where is the dolphin show?
Sentence 4 電影院
What do you think about today's film?
Sentence 5 博物館、美術館
Do you provide a recorded tour in Chinese?
Sentence 6 在賭場
I will bet$10 in this.
Sentence 7 逛夜店
Would you like to dance with me?
Sentence 8 百貨公司一日游
Where is the department store'S exit?
Sentence 9 劇院表演
What popular shows are on this week?
Sentence 10 看球賽
Is this the second half?
Chapter 8 突髮狀況
Sentence 1 找“觀光警察”求助
I had my pocket picked.
Sentence 2 陰晴多變的天氣
It seems to be clearing up.
Sentence 3 旅途中身體抱恙
I feel feverish.
Sentence 4 交通事故
I'd like to report a car accident.
Sentence 5 天災人禍
It's an emergency!


