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  • 中文名:一千零一夜
  • 作者:(英)喬納森·斯科特 編譯
  • 類別: 文學類圖書
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2011年3月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787510010347




Introductory Chapter
Fable of the Ass, the Ox, and the Labourer
The Merchant and the Genie
The Story of the First Old Man and the Hind
The Story of the Second Old Man and the Two Black Dogs
The Story of the Fisherman
The Story of the Grecian King and the Physician Douban
The Story of the Husband and the Parrot
The Story of the Vizier that was Punished
The History of the Young King of the Black Isles
Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Sultans, and of the FiveLadies of Bagdad
The ttistory of the First Calender
The Story of the Second Calender
The Story of the Envious Man, and of Him that He Envied
The History of the Third Calender
The Story of Zobeide
The Story of Amene
The Story of Sinbad the Voyager
The Three Apples
The Story of the Lady who was Murdered, and of the Young Man herHusband
The Story ofNoor ad Deen Ali and Buddir ad Deen Houssun
The Story of the Little Hunch-Back
The Story Told by the Christian Merchant
The Story Told by the Sultan of Casgar's Purveyor
The Story Told by the Jewish Physician
The Story Told by the Tailor
The Story of the Barber
The Story of the Barber's Eldest Brother
The Story of the Barber's Second Brother
The Story of the Barber's Third Brother
The Story of the Barber's Fourth Brother
The Story of the Barber's Fifth Brother
The Story of the Barber's Sixth Brother
The History ofAboulhassen Ali Ebn Becar, and Schemselnihar,Favourite
of Caliph Maroon al Rusheed
The Story of the Loves of Kummir al Zummaun, Prince of the Isles ofthe
Children of Khaledan, and of Badoura, Princess of China
The Story of the Princes Amgiad and Assad
The Story of the Prince Amgiad and a Lady of the City of theMagicians
The Story ofNoor ad Deen and the Fair Persian
The Story of Beder, Prince of Persia, and Jehaun-Ara, Princess ofSamandal,or Summunder
Story of Prince Beder and the Princess Jehaun-Ara (continued)
The History of Ganem, Son ofAbou Ayoub, and Known by theSunan
Love's Slave
The History of Prince Zeyn Alasnam and the Sultan of theGenii
The History of Codadad, and His Brothers
The History of the Princess of Deryabar
The Story ofAbou Hassan, or the Sleeper Awakened
The Story ofAlla Ad Deen, or the Wonderful Lamp
The Story ofAlla Ad Deen; or the Wonderful Lamp (continued)
Adventure of the Caliph Haroon al Rusheed
The Story of the Blind Man Baba Abdoollah
The Story of Syed Naomaun
The Story of Khaujeh Hassan al Hubbaul
The Story ofAli Baba and the Forty Robbers Destroyed by aSlave
The Story ofAli Khaujeh, a Merchant of Bagdad
The Story of the Enchanted Horse
The Story of Prince Ahmed, and the Fairy Perle Banou
The Story of the Sisters Who Envied Their Younger Sister
Story of the Sultan of Yemen and His Three Sons
Story of the Three Sharpers and the Sultan
The Adventures of the Abdicated Sultan
History of Mahummud, Sultan of Cairo
Story of the First Lunatic
Story of the Second Lunatic
Story of the Retired Sage and His Pupil, Related to the Sultan bythe Second
Night Adventure of the Sultan
Story of the Broken-backed Schoolmaster
Story of the Wry-mouthed Schoolmaster.
The Sultan's Second Visit to the Sisters
Story of the Sisters and the Sultana their Mother
Story of the Bang-Eater and the Cauzee
Story of the Bang-eater and His Wife
Continuation of the Fisherman, or Bang-eater's Adventures
The Sultan and the Traveller Mhamood al Hyjemmee
The Koord Robber
Story of the Husbandman
Story of the Three Princes and Enchanting Bird
Story of a Sultan of Yemen and His Three Sons
Story of the First Sharper in the Cave
History of the Sultan of Hind
Story of the Fisherman's Son
Story ofAbou Neeut and Abou Neeuteen; or, the Well-Intentioned andthe
Adventure of a Courtier, Related by Himself to His Patron, anAmeerof Egypt...
Story of the Prince of Sind, and Fatima, Daughter of Amir BinNaomaun...
Story of the Lovers of Syria; or, the Heroine
Story of Hyjauje, the Tyrannical Governor of Coufeh, and the YoungSyed.
Story of Ins al Wujjood and Wird al Ikmaum Daughter of Ibrahim,Vizier to
Sultan Shamikh
The Adventures of Mazin of Khorassaun
Adventure of Haroon al Rusheed
Story of the Sultan, the Dervish, and the Barber's Son
Adventures of Aleefa, Daughter of Mherejaun, Sultan of Hind, andEusuff,
Son of Sohul, Sultan of Sind
Adventures of the Three Princes, Sons of the Sultan of China
Story of the Good Vizier Unjustly Imprisoned
Story of the Lady of Cairo and Her Four Gallants
The Cauzee's Story
Story of the Merchant, His Daughter, and the Prince of Eerauk
Adventures of the Cauzee, His Wife, &c
The Sultan's Story of Himself




