



  • 作者:マイクル・ムアコック
  • 出版時間:2006年3月9日
  • 出版社:早川書房
  • 頁數:575 頁
  • ISBN:9784150115517
  • 原作品:Elric of Melnibone and The Fortress of the Pearl
栗本薫氏激賞! 夢枕獏氏推薦! ヒロイック・ファンタジイの最高峰〈永遠の戦士 エルリック〉第1巻。 乳白色の髪に真紅の瞳、太古の妖術を自在に操り、魔剣ストームブリンガーで敵の魂を吸い取る、メルニボネ帝國最後の皇帝にして、流浪の皇子エルリック・・その數奇な運命を、巨匠ムアコックが流麗かつ壯大に紡ぎ上げた〈エルリック・サーガ〉が、ついに開幕!メルニボネ帝國の落日と許婚サイモリル姫との悲戀を描く‘メルニボネの皇子’と、美しい夢盜人とともに砂漠の民の〈神聖乙女〉を救う‘真珠の砦’の2巻を収録。 Michael John Moorcock is an English writer primarily of science fiction and fantasy who has also published a number of literary novels. Moorcock has mentioned The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Apple Cart by George Bernard Shaw and The Constable of St. Nicholas by Edward Lester Arnold as the first three books which captured his imagination. He became editor of Tarzan...(展開全部) Michael John Moorcock is an English writer primarily of science fiction and fantasy who has also published a number of literary novels. Moorcock has mentioned The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Apple Cart by George Bernard Shaw and The Constable of St. Nicholas by Edward Lester Arnold as the first three books which captured his imagination. He became editor of Tarzan Adventures in 1956, at the age of sixteen, and later moved on to edit Sexton Blake Library. As editor of the controversial British science fiction magazine New Worlds, from May 1964 until March 1971 and then again from 1976 to 1996, Moorcock fostered the development of the science fiction "New Wave" in the UK and indirectly in the United States. His serialization of Norman Spinrad's Bug Jack Barron was notorious for causing British MPs to condemn in Parliament the Arts Council's funding of the magazine. During this time, he occasionally wrote under the pseudonym of "James Colvin," a "house pseudonym" used by other critics on New Worlds. A spoof obituary of Colvin appeared in New Worlds #197 (January 1970), written by "William Barclay" (another Moorcock pseudonym). Moorcock, indeed, makes much use of the initials "JC", and not entirely coincidentally these are also the initials of Jesus Christ, the subject of his 1967 Nebula award-winn


