《Eyes Open》是泰勒·斯威夫特為電影《飢餓遊戲》創作繼《Safe & Sound》之後的又一支單曲。2023年3月17日,該曲被泰勒·斯威夫特進行重新錄製並以單曲形式發行。
英文歌詞 | 中文歌詞 |
Everybody's waiting Everybody's watching Even when you're sleeping Keep your eye, eyes open The tricky thing Is yesterday we were just children Playing soldiers, just pretending Dreaming dreams with happy endings In backyards Winning battles with our wooden swords But now we've stepped into a cruel world Where everybody stands up Keep score Keep your eyes open Everybody's waiting, for you to breakdown Everybody's watching, to see the fallout Even when you're sleeping, sleeping Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open So here you are Two steps ahead, and staying on guard Every lesson forms a new scar They never thought you'd make it this far But turn around Oh, they surrounded you It's a showdown And nobody comes to save you now But you got something they don't Yeah you got something they don't You just gotta keep your eyes open Everybody's waiting, for you to breakdown Everybody's watching, to see the fallout Even when you're sleeping, sleeping Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eyes Keep your feet ready Heartbeat steady Keep your eyes open Keep your aim locked The night grows dark Keep your eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open Everybody's waiting, for you to breakdown Everybody's watching, to see the fallout Even when you're sleeping, sleeping Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open Keep your eyes open Keep your eye, eyes open | 四周所有人靜候著 皆將你所注視 就算在你熟睡時 請謹記 睜大雙眼 有所留意 實在難以招架 昨日你我皆不過孩童 將自己佯裝 扮演軍士的角色 天真幻想 萬事皆有 美好的結局 在後院裡玩耍 手持木劍 搏鬥取樂 但如今 我們已步入這殘酷世界 所有人都為讓自己 奪取高分而奮鬥 請謹記 睜大雙眼 有所留意 所有人都在等待著 你落敗倒下的那刻 企圖看見你 淪落慘痛的結果 就算在你熟睡時 請謹記 睜大雙眼 留個心眼 保持機警 你如今身處之地 即便先於旁人些許 但也請保持警惕 歷經挫折創傷 吸取新教訓 他們從未料想 你會砥礪堅持 如此之久 可轉過身來 仍危機四伏 眾人虎視眈眈 將你窺探 結局呼之欲出 豁然眼前 此時此刻 無人將前來 將你救贖 但你卻擁有著 他們從未有過的堅毅 請謹記 睜大雙眼 有所留意 所有人都在等待著 你落敗倒下的那刻 企圖看見你 淪落慘痛的結果 就算在你熟睡時 請謹記 睜大雙眼 留個心眼 保持機警 腳踏實地 穩步前行 平定心神 即刻出發 請謹記 睜大雙眼 有所留意 恪守心頭目標 當夜色愈漸濃厚 請謹記 睜大雙眼 留個心眼 保持機警 所有人都在等待著 你落敗倒下的那刻 企圖看見你 淪落慘痛的結果 就算在你熟睡時 請謹記 睜大雙眼 留個心眼 保持機警 懷有防備之心 萬事有所提防 |
日期 | 地點 |
2012年11月11日 | VH1 Storytellers |