



  • 中文名:《21世紀大學英語》快速閱讀
  • 作者:張增健
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年8月1日
  • ISBN:9787309045703


《快速閱讀(第三版)》每冊設8個單元,每單元收3篇課文。文章篇幅: 冊保持在500—800詞之間。後三冊,課文長度及難度均略有增加,以形成的梯度。為引導學生有意識地提高閱讀速度,每篇皆設定一完篇時限(time limit)。篇後配置的練習: Comprehension Check系按大學英語四級考試題型的要求加以設計,供學生在教師的指導下檢測自己的閱讀理解能力;Additional Practice則是一組供學生自行選擇使用的翻譯練習。


Unit One
Reading 1 The First Day of School
Reading 2 How to Hear English Everywhere
Reading 3 Learn How to Love Reading
Unit Two
Reading 1 The Language of Color
Reading 2 A Million-Dollar Smile
Reading 3 My Father: He Always Had My Back
Unit Three
Reading 1 A Broad Division of News
Reading 2 Carrie Underwood: Turning from a Small-Town Girl into a Big-Time Star
Reading 3 Dancing with Mom
Unit Four
Reading 1 Vegetarians: A Dietary Minority
Reading 2 Vegetables May Keep Brains Young
Reading 3 Where Did They Come from?
Unit Five
Reading 1 The Bell with the Crack
Reading 2 Death of a Dream
Reading 3 Volunteerism in the U.S.
Unit Six
Reading 1 Light Pollution
Reading 2 Recycling
Reading 3 Global Warming Threatens Ancient Ruins
Unit Seven
Reading 1 Money Does Not Buy Much Happiness
Reading 2 Money Matters: Count Your Blessings -- and Your Money
Reading 3 Philanthropic Foundations and Government's Responsibility
Unit Eight
Reading 1 The English Conversation Partner Program
Reading 2 A World Without Honor
Reading 3 Cheat Sheet, Anyone?
Key to Exercises


