喬安娜(2013年波蘭Aneta Kopacz執導紀錄片)

喬安娜(2013年波蘭Aneta Kopacz執導紀錄片)

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《喬安娜》 是一部紀錄片 ,由Aneta Kopacz執導。影片於2013年6月28日在波蘭上映。


  • 中文名:喬安娜
  • 外文名:Joanna 
  • 類型:劇情 傳記 紀錄 短片 
  • 導演Aneta Kopacz 
  • 編劇Aneta Kopacz 、Tomasz Sredniawa 
  • 製片人:Adam Slesicki 
  • 色彩:彩色 
  • 聲效:Stereo 
  • 國別:波蘭 
  • 用戶評分:6.7 


Joanna starts the blog when she finds out she has cancer and is given three months to live. The blog describes her daily life honestly and accurately: her goals are as simple as a family trip to the Polish lake district.   Thanks to her blog, for many people Joanna has become an icon of a thoughtful and joyful life. The blog describes her daily life honestly and accurately: her goals are as simple as a family trip to the Polish lake district; her planning as short-term as witnessing her son’s first successful bike ride without training wheels. She starts the blog when she finds out she has cancer and is given three months to live. Then she promises her 5-year-old son, Jas, that she will do her best to survive for as long as possible. And she starts writing for him. The documentary shows the everyday existence of Joanna, her husband Piotr, and little Jas. It is as discreet as it is moving. Through few well-chosen words and observations it manages to be both essential and sensuous. A story of thoughtfulness in death, life and love.


導演:Aneta Kopacz
製片:Adam Slesicki
攝影:盧卡斯·扎爾(Lukasz Zal)
原創音樂:詹恩·凱茲梅利克(Jan A.P. Kaczmarek)




波蘭 2013年6月28日
瑞典 2014年3月8日
法國 2014年3月15日
法國 2014年4月9日
波蘭 2014年10月14日


奧斯卡金像獎第87屆(2015) 提名最佳紀錄短片


