- 外文名:yellowfin
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈjeloʊfɪn]
- 釋義:黃鰭鮪魚
Yellowfin Trl 街道地址
yellowfin sole 目前 ; 黃金鰈
yellowfin trevally 珍鰺
yellowfin mojarra 灰銀鱸
Yellowfin goatfish 金帶擬須鯛
yellowfin anemonefish 黑雙鋸魚
yellowfin tunna 黃鰭鮪魚
yellowfin goby 黃鰭刺蝦虎魚
yellowfin croaker 黃鰭短須石首魚
On a mission to feed, yellowfin surgeonfish crowd the water at Nikumaroro.黃鰭吊魚(yellowfin surgeonfish)簇擁在尼庫馬羅羅島附近的水域進食。
And consumers have also been urged to avoid yellowfin tuna caught using purse Seine nets or long lines in the Indian Ocean.消費者也被催促避開黃鰭鮪魚。在印度洋,它們正在被縮攏式圍網和長線捕魚法捕捉。
The Powell River, atributary of the Tennessee, was devastated in 1996 by spills ofcoal-mine sludge, which, among other things, drastically shrank therange of the threatened yellowfin madtom.鮑威爾河是田納西地區的一條支流,在1996年由於煤礦開採遭到破壞。 除了其他魚類受到影響外,黃鰭石鮰的數量也在急劇下降。