- 外文名:woodiness
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['wʊdɪnɪs]
- 美式發音:[ˈwʊdinɪs]
woodiness remainder 木質剩餘物
Diaphragmatic Woodiness 隔膜木質
Woodiness Lianas 木質藤本植物
Woodiness Floor 木質地板
Exocarp Woodiness 外果皮木質
Woodiness Board 木質板材
flesh woodiness 果肉木質化
insular woodiness 島嶼木質化這
Woodiness furniture 木質家具
She draped in woodiness armor, but not inferior at any striker, who dare to infringe upon her, will be subject to heavy blow.她身披木質鎧甲,卻不遜色於任何射手,凡是敢侵犯她的人,都會受到沉重的打擊。
The cleanness of woodiness floor, is to use floor, and drag with professional dust, liquid clearing.木質地板的清潔,是使用專業地板拖,配合牽塵液,進行清理。
The design of the tables and chairs also show originality, choose the collocation of woodiness and tin, both on the material and the overall store photograph echo, and increased the sense of design.此次桌椅的設計也獨具匠心,選用木質與鐵皮的搭配,既在材質上與整體店面相呼應,又增加了設計感。