- 外文名:withdrew
- 英式讀音:[wɪð'drʊ]
- 美式讀音:[wɪðˈdruː]
- 詞性:動詞
《Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew》是一首由Dark Tranquillity演唱的英文歌曲。Artist:dark tranquillity Songs Title:silence, and the firmament withdrew Make all the cold trees mourn.Their branches frozen in sightless motion....
She inexplicably withdrew the offer. 她不可思議地撤回了提議。She suddenly and inexplicably announced her retirement. 她突然令人費解地宣布退休。There was no one left to identify with, just a series of inexplicably unpleasant ...
- WD=Withdrew(退賽); C=Event cancelled(賽事取消) 組別: N=Advanced novice(少年組); J=Junior(青年組) T=Team result(團隊成績); P=Personal result(個人成績). 獎牌僅按團隊成績授予 - ...
Withdrew To his lair in the underworld There sensing his Impending death he inscribed a testament of pure evil In seven black books One by one six of these books Were discovered through the ages However the Seventh Last...
SEPTEMBER - Withdrew from Seoul w/illness 翻譯:1994年 - 在斯洛伐克贏得的第一個ITF巡迴賽的職業生涯的賽事。1995 - 賽第一Filderstadt的WTA的預選賽。1996 - ITF巡迴賽上繼續發揮。1997年 - 贏得一項ITF巡迴賽單打冠軍。1998年 ...
And her mama withdrew From the life they once knew She had a heart But she sold it off for And that weekend up in the islands They stop and stare Flashes filling the silence Of a Hollywood love affair Waking up ...
I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously.我有過退休計畫,但是在我三次換工作的時候,我撤回了那些保險並且愚蠢的花掉了。Yet DiCaprio yearns to be ...
《Selected Poems of Dickinson》是Wordsworth Editions Ltd出版的圖書,作者是Emily Dickinson 內容簡介 線上閱讀本書 Initially a vivacious, outgoing person, Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) progressively withdrew into a reclusive existe...
Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain.對於她的干涉我極為惱怒,我怒氣衝天,掙脫了她的手,斧子一下子就砍在了她頭上。
Monster.丹尼斯·普萊斯 was originally cast as Lord Wessex, but withdrew at the last moment (he was replaced by 里奧·吉恩). Some posters and advertising material from the time credit Price as appearing in the movie.
It's high time I withdrew.ALEX Your place is here.GEORGE The jowls are dropping...ALEX It's the light.GEORGE ...The paunch needs propping up -- She'd be far better off with you.BOTH Your words are generous ...
The Russian carrier Aeroflot recently withdrew its Tu-154 fleet from service, largely because the planes do not meet international noise restrictions and use too much fuel.俄羅斯航空公司最近退出服務的圖- 154機隊,主要是因為...
and desolate jungle base-a small place called Dien Bien Phu. The Vietnamese besieged the French base for five long and desperate months. Eventually, the demoralized and weakened French were utterly depleted and withdrew ...
not going well. 他的競選活動進展得不順利。2、He withdrew his support for our campaign. 他停止了對我們運動的支持。3、His campaign is already hurting for money. 他從事的社會運動已經因缺乏經費而難以為繼了。