- 外文名:widower
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音: [ˈwɪdoʊər]
- 美式讀音: [ˈwɪdoʊər]
The Merry Widower 《The Merry Widower》是由Richard Wallace執導,Tyler Brooke主演的電影,於1926年上映。演員表 職員表
《A temperamental widower》是Norma Jean演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Redeemer》中。 歌曲歌詞 We're not going backwards, we're just killing onward to die.Put that knife away.My first thought, a dragon.The two contending...
Black Widower 《Black Widower》是由Christopher Leitch執導的驚悚類電影,由Benita Garvin擔任編劇,由凱莉·麥吉利斯、大衛·利普爾主演。演員表 職員表
⑴ [widower;old bachelor]∶ 無妻或喪妻的男人 潑留希金就像一切鰥夫一樣,急躁,吝嗇,猜疑了起來。――《潑留希金》⑵ [an aged and wifeless man]∶老而無妻的人 中華字典 ⑴ 鰥 (鰥)guanㄍㄨㄢˉ⑵ (形聲。從魚。
(1) 同“鰥”。無妻的老人。也泛指無妻的人 [widower]少而無父者謂之孤;老而無子者謂之獨;老而無妻者謂之矜;老而無夫者謂之寡。——《禮記·王制》爰及矜人,哀此鰥寡。——《詩·小雅·鴻雁》不侮矜寡。——《詩...
《美國化妝師》是由Carmine Cangliosi執導,吉娜·葛森、凱斯·大衛、佩內洛普·安·米勒主演的一部電影。劇情簡介 John, a widower still trying to cope with the death of his wife and the fractured relationship with his family...
《Mahanadi》是由Santhana Bharathi執導,卡馬爾·哈山、Sukanya、Poornam Vishwanathan主演的一部電影。劇情簡介 Kamal Haasan plays a simple-minded widower, whose attempt at Chit Fund management with a crooked pimp lands him in ...
Paty a 8 year old boy has suffered from a serious road accident that has ruptured his spine beyond repair.His father Jossy a widower is devastated after hearing from the doctor that Patty is paralyzed for life with no...
《Tennessee Gothic》是由Jeff Wedding執導的電影。劇情簡介 When a dim-witted widower and his teenage son offer a beautiful young woman refuge on their farm, their living situation escalates from hysterical comedy to maddening...