what the ghost says

《what the ghost says》是楊光、Siena Wu演唱的歌曲,由Siena Wu、Miint Potatoe作詞,楊光、Siena Wu、Sdewdent作曲,收錄於《Tidelines Vol.1》專輯中。


  • 外文名:what the ghost says
  • 所屬專輯:Tidelines Vol.1
  • 歌曲原唱:楊光、Siena Wu
  • 填詞:Siena Wu、Miint Potatoe
  • 譜曲:楊光、Siena Wu、Sdewdent
  • 編曲:楊光、Siena Wu、Sdewdent
  • 發行日期:2021年8月10日
Yo, It's hard to show existence 顯靈這件事對我來說很不容易
when money-getting peers need my assistance 尤其是當我身邊那些為金錢奔波的人
to stack figures beyond nonexistence 需要我幫他們實現一些虛無縹緲的願望
I keep my distance 所以我和現實世界保持距離
from being alive in dependence 不依賴任何肉身形式而存在
but I never mention it had me serving years of a life sentence 代價就如同在另一個世界被判了無期徒刑
It's like a ritual 就備肯像某種儀式一般
I'm recognized by the illest individuals 我總能照紙備芝被那些強大的個體察覺
Quranicly angelical 在我的信仰里,我親切而無暇
so easily I approach 我小心的靠近你
You dug my rap, that’s how we get close 因為你喜歡我的rap,我才敢和你這么親近
Cuz I'm a ghost and you know this 你知道的,我是個幽靈
Sometimes I'm being cold and ferocious 我有時候很無霸肯殃情甚至可怕
A muse can start a religion that’s where the note is 但我章舟多相信每個音符的共振,都是神賜予的祝福
I made a decision to be the most devoted (disciple) 所以我決定要成為她最虔誠的信徒
Rhymes I created you can feel it in the air 通過空氣的輕微振動,你可以感覺到我的每個韻腳
Vibin in the shades and light is just a glare 穿梭在每片陰影之中,那些光只是一閃而過
They say signs of the end is near 他們都在說末日即將到來
So please give a ghost a good reason to appear 所以我祈求你們,給我一個存在於此世的理由
What the Ghost Says, What the Ghost Says 鬼說,鬼說
What the Ghost Says, Say find me 鬼說,找尋我
Along the passages I come and go 我通常在那些無人的走束遙勸廊之間出沒
between in the glasses u see me float 通過那些反射體,你可以看到我四處遊蕩
If you can hear me clearly now, come closer and closer 如果你現在能聽到我,請你再靠近一點
rather than fear me and tear me down 不要怕我,也不要傷害我
I'm on my low end tryna spit it out and get over 我正處於低谷期,只想找一種方式來傾訴
Lyrics like liquor for the fallen soldiers 這些詞藻可以像甘露一般治癒那些落魄的心靈
when push comes to shove my soul stays sober 我也可以保持冷乎捆牛靜,默默幫助你走出困境
Hear me with your noses, a smell of aroma 如果用嗅覺來傾聽,那會是一陣芳香吧
Voices from the martyrs, departed ones 我可以聽到那些逝去的英靈和已故親人的聲音
I can hear my grandma telling me I'm the smartest one 我可以甩滲駝乘聽到奶奶在我耳邊說我是最聰明的那個
Hopin in the promise land i can walk with them 希望有天在某處我能和他們團聚
Talk with them, imagine how I’m touching them 想像一下那種情景,我有很多話想和他們講
Spirit's gone far outta range of resurrection 我的靈魂已經遠離,我無法復活
self reflection make the light change direction 但現在的我,依舊可以改變陽光照射的角度
I shaped a new form of life with my own clay 我用屬於自己的“黏土”捏造新的生命形式
Visions of Gil Scott and Marvin Gaye 眼前浮現的,是Gil Scott Heron, Marvin Gaye的輪廓
(Just stay right where you left me 站在原地,不要動搖)
So I pray… 所以我就默默的祈禱著……
Searching for your tribe to call home later, sinner 尋找你能夠稱之為家的人群
Searching for the eyes that won’t deceive ya, if a 尋找不會欺騙你的眼睛
Ghost let go, of the light that’s in the air 如果你心中的鬼選擇放棄空氣中的光芒
Better grab onto something 那請你抓住身邊的每一寸靈氣
When you meet this lady in the sand 當你遇見這個神靈的時候
Who’ll say 她會告訴你
You’re lost 你迷失了
They gon make it harder to stay woke 都會讓你離清醒更遠
Birth a bitter sinner 生長出一個罪人
Just to hide it 只為了逃避
You’re close enough to touch 其實你離現實沒有那么遠
Just stay right where you left me 站在原地,不要動搖
Searching for your tribe to call home later, sinner 尋找你能夠稱之為家的人群
Searching for the eyes that won’t deceive ya, if a 尋找不會欺騙你的眼睛
Ghost let go, of the light that’s in the air 如果你心中的鬼選擇放棄空氣中的光芒
Along the passages I come and go 我通常在那些無人的走廊之間出沒
between in the glasses u see me float 通過那些反射體,你可以看到我四處遊蕩
If you can hear me clearly now, come closer and closer 如果你現在能聽到我,請你再靠近一點
rather than fear me and tear me down 不要怕我,也不要傷害我
I'm on my low end tryna spit it out and get over 我正處於低谷期,只想找一種方式來傾訴
Lyrics like liquor for the fallen soldiers 這些詞藻可以像甘露一般治癒那些落魄的心靈
when push comes to shove my soul stays sober 我也可以保持冷靜,默默幫助你走出困境
Hear me with your noses, a smell of aroma 如果用嗅覺來傾聽,那會是一陣芳香吧
Voices from the martyrs, departed ones 我可以聽到那些逝去的英靈和已故親人的聲音
I can hear my grandma telling me I'm the smartest one 我可以聽到奶奶在我耳邊說我是最聰明的那個
Hopin in the promise land i can walk with them 希望有天在某處我能和他們團聚
Talk with them, imagine how I’m touching them 想像一下那種情景,我有很多話想和他們講
Spirit's gone far outta range of resurrection 我的靈魂已經遠離,我無法復活
self reflection make the light change direction 但現在的我,依舊可以改變陽光照射的角度
I shaped a new form of life with my own clay 我用屬於自己的“黏土”捏造新的生命形式
Visions of Gil Scott and Marvin Gaye 眼前浮現的,是Gil Scott Heron, Marvin Gaye的輪廓
(Just stay right where you left me 站在原地,不要動搖)
So I pray… 所以我就默默的祈禱著……
Searching for your tribe to call home later, sinner 尋找你能夠稱之為家的人群
Searching for the eyes that won’t deceive ya, if a 尋找不會欺騙你的眼睛
Ghost let go, of the light that’s in the air 如果你心中的鬼選擇放棄空氣中的光芒
Better grab onto something 那請你抓住身邊的每一寸靈氣
When you meet this lady in the sand 當你遇見這個神靈的時候
Who’ll say 她會告訴你
You’re lost 你迷失了
They gon make it harder to stay woke 都會讓你離清醒更遠
Birth a bitter sinner 生長出一個罪人
Just to hide it 只為了逃避
You’re close enough to touch 其實你離現實沒有那么遠
Just stay right where you left me 站在原地,不要動搖
Searching for your tribe to call home later, sinner 尋找你能夠稱之為家的人群
Searching for the eyes that won’t deceive ya, if a 尋找不會欺騙你的眼睛
Ghost let go, of the light that’s in the air 如果你心中的鬼選擇放棄空氣中的光芒


