

weary,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞、動詞, 作形容詞時意為“疲倦的;厭煩的;令人厭煩的;疲倦;厭煩”. 作動詞時意為"使疲倦;使厭煩".


  • 外文名:weary
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˈwɪəri]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈwɪri]


Weary River 疲憊之河
weary out 消磨 ; 筋疲力盡 ; 翻譯
weary of 厭倦 ; 厭煩於 ; 對…厭倦 ; 疲倦
full weary 等徑孔道
weary weary 疲勞的 ; 厭倦的
Weary Passengers 倦客
weary for 不耐煩地等待 ; 非常想
Tom Weary 威爾瑞


  • 1Rachel looked pale and weary.雷切爾看起來蒼白而疲憊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2She suddenly felt old and weary.她突然感到了衰老和疲倦。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Her face looked strained and weary.她的臉色顯得憔悴疲憊。《牛津詞典》
  • 4His face is weary beyond description.他臉上的疲憊無法形容。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Students soon grow weary of listening to a parade of historical facts.學生們很快便對聽連串史實厭煩起來。《牛津詞典》
  • 6She did look weary.她的確顯得疲倦。
  • 7I feel weary.我覺得很疲勞。
  • 8There he had to remain for four long, weary months.他不得不在那裡呆了漫長而疲憊的四個月。
  • 9A weary hiker stumbled upon another hiker deep in the North Woods.一個疲憊的徒步旅行者在北部森林深處偶然發現了另一個徒步旅行者。
  • 10The King said, impatiently, "Have done with this folly—you weary me!"國王不耐煩地說:“你不要再胡鬧了—你真讓我厭煩!”
  • 11The weary time dragged on; they slept again, and awoke famished and woe-stricken.令人厭倦的時間慢慢地過去了;他們又睡了一覺,醒來時飢腸轆轆,悲痛欲絕。
  • 12It's when I'm weary of considerations, and life is too much like a pathless wood.當我厭倦了各種考慮,生活就像一片沒有路的樹林。
  • 13Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler.今天有許多慈善組織專門幫助疲憊的旅行者。
  • 14Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler.今天有許多慈善組織專門幫助疲憊的旅行者。
  • 15It had something to do with the miserably weary splitting up and my feeling that everything was dead.這和我痛苦疲憊的分手有關,我覺得一切都完了。
  • 16"I don't know," Nibs said, awestruck, "but it looks so weary, and as it flies it moans, 'Poor Wendy.'"“我不知道,”尼布斯敬畏地說,“但它看上去很疲倦,一邊飛一邊呻吟:‘可憐的溫迪’。”
  • 17From that day to this, two long weary years—two years, my Pinocchio, that has been like two centuries.從那天到現在,又長久又疲倦的兩年——整整兩年,我的皮諾喬,那就像兩個世紀。
  • 18At this question, the Donkey opened weary, dying eyes and answered in the same tongue, "I am Lamp-Wick."聽到這個問題,驢子睜開了疲倦的、垂死的眼睛,用同樣的語言回答說:“我是蠟燭芯。”
  • 19Those weary neighbours, and the bigger powers that back them, may be inching towards a choice themselves.那些疲憊不堪的鄰國,以及支持他們的大國,可能自己也在慢慢地做出選擇。
  • 20The Toad retraced his weary way on foot, and related his disappointing experiences to the Water Rat once more.托德拖著疲憊的步伐返回,又向水鼠蘭特講述了他那些令人糟心的經歷。
  • 21Climbing further, with renewed courage, he at last saw his goal before him, but not without long and weary exertion.他又重新鼓起勇氣,繼續往上爬,他終於看到了眼前的目標,但還需要經過漫長而疲憊的努力才能到達。
  • 22Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes.當疲憊的隊伍推推搡搡擠上公共汽車或捷運時,許多刻薄的爭論或侮辱性的爭吵爆發了。
  • 23He looked weary and bedraggled.他看上去精疲力盡,又濕又髒。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 24The unaccustomed heat made him weary.反常的炎熱令他虛弱無力。《牛津詞典》
  • 25They're getting awfully weary of this silly war.他們對這場愚蠢的戰爭感到極其厭倦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 26Huck waited what seemed a weary long time, but nothing happened.哈克等了似乎很長時間,但什麼事也沒發生。
  • 27For a little rest after his weary work, he had quietly watched the boy.結束了勞累的工作後他想休息一下,他靜靜地看著那孩子。
  • 28Another part of me is so weary from carrying the burden of a broken heart.我的另一部分因為背負著破碎的心而疲憊不堪。
  • 29"Rat," he moaned, "how about your supper, you poor, cold, hungry, weary animal?"“水鼠,”他呻吟道,“你這可憐的、又冷又餓又累的動物,你的晚飯怎么辦呢?”
  • 30The long ascent to the Alp from there seemed very weary and far to the traveller.從那裡到高山牧場的上坡路對旅行者來說似乎又漫長又疲倦。


