- 外文名:washroom
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˈwɑːʃruːm,ˈwɑːʃrʊm]
- 美式讀音:[ˈwɑːʃruːm,ˈwɑːʃrʊm]
roomage apposition 空閉並置 soil roomage variability 空間變異性 Providing bright and tidy roomage 明亮整潔的空間 雙語例句 Yang Jinnan established Beijing Art 110 roomage in 2005.2005年,楊晉南先生成立了北京藝術110空間。The wall of a parlor conceals five doors-kitchen, washroom, bedrooms and so ...
衛生間家具Furnishing of Washroom,顧名思義,是一種用於衛生間的家具。家具產品指南 一、選用要點 1、分類 1.1 高級實木類浴室家具 (1)展示木紋的自然紋路,使浴室家具富有古典的美韻,此類產品多採用環保型化學產品(丙烯酸)噴刷處理,處理後防潮防水性能大幅提高,克服了實木家具對濕度要求高的弱點。(2)製作...
是英美等國一二百年前使用的,從21世紀起,多使用toilet、Bathroom、restroom(AmE)等詞。這個詞傳入中國多年後,許多中國人都知道WC是公共廁所的英文簡稱。取而代之的是Toilet 或者其他單詞一般稱為,Restroom 或者 Bathroom,有些地方也用 Washroom。WC詞義本身與toilet區別不大。Toilet這個詞來源於法語toilette,就...
[washroom;lavatory;toilet;powder room] 裝有盥洗、廁所設備的房間 盥 英文翻譯 盥 wash;古籍解釋 康熙字典 《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤古玩切,音貫。《說文》澡手也。《增韻》以盤水沃洗曰盥。《易·觀卦》盥而不薦。《注》盥,將祭而潔手也。《左傳·僖二十三年》奉匜沃盥。《禮·鄉飲》...
Frances Collins has been married five years and isn't yet at ease with her married name. She packs a suitcase and heads for work. Rather than return home, at night she changes clothes in the company washroom, and goes to bars looking for a man in whose bed she can spend the night. ...
棋牌室Card Room 歌舞廳Dancing Hall 多功能廳Multi-Function Hall 卡拉ok Karaok 酒吧Bar 宴會廳Banquet Hall 玫瑰園餐廳 Rose Garden Dinning Room 室內觀景廳Front View Stand 美容室Beauty Salon 按摩室Massage Room 會議中心Conference Center 廣播室Radio Room 陽光甲板Sun Deck 公共衛生間Public Washroom 健身房Gym...
Beggars Can Be Choosers (Razor Records) 1983 隊名為Neurotics期間 Repercussions (Jungle Records) 1986 Kickstarting a Backfiring Nation (Jungle) 1987 Is Your Washroom Breeding Bolsheviks (Jungle) 1988 Never Thought EP (Jungle) 1988 45 Revolutions a Minute: Singles 1979-1984 (Jungle) 1990 ...