The most disturbing product at the moment will be produced between Edward's vibrating doll and the young book "My Mom is Bella". 目前最令人困擾的產品將在愛德華的震動玩偶和低幼讀物《我的媽媽是貝拉》之間產生。
In himself, too, he knew that it was vibrating at last, that chord hitherto dormant and unsuspected. 在他自己心裡,他也知道那根弦終於在顫動了,那根弦一直蟄伏著,不曾被察覺。
You'd see it vibrating. 你會看到它振動。
Something is vibrating. 有東西在震動。
You're vibrating. You're acting as a wave. 就是通過振動,你把自己看做一列波。
With electromagnetic radiation, charges are vibrating. 如果是電磁輻射,充電是震動的。
The time traveler would be vibrating with excitement. 這位時間旅行者會變得非常興奮和激動。
Point of absolute rest in a vibrating string we call a node. 一條繩子上絕對震動靜止的點,我們稱之為節點。
Vibrating, they can always vibrate harder, translate faster. 振動,它們總能更強烈地振動,更快地平移。
Is everything in the universe made up of vibrating one-dimensional strings? 宇宙中的一切是由振盪的一維弦構成的嗎?
The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator. 法人團體在生產振動蒸發器之後精心製作協作。
But few can imagine that it all began with a boy, a train and a vibrating window. 但是很少人能夠想像,它從一個男孩、一輛貨車和一扇振動的窗戶開始。
As before, one day she was sleepwalking and the next she is vibrating in her skin. 像以前一樣,有一天她正在夢遊,第二天她的皮膚開始顫抖起來。
Its vibrating body shakes free the golden dust that will feed the larvae back in the nest. 它震動身體搖下金色的花粉,以便帶回蜂巢中給幼蟲餵食。
He stood in his backyard, watching stars, listening to cicadas. Then his cell started vibrating. 他夜不能寐,站在後院,望著星星,聽著蟬鳴,這時他的手機開始振動了。
I still felt like my phone was vibrating and I was receiving messages even though I didn't have it on me. 我覺得我的手機還在震動,好像我還在接受簡訊儘管沒戴著它。
Watch the energy grow, focus on the expansion and growth of this energy, really feel it in vibrating within you. 看著能量增長,關注於能量的擴張和成長,確實地感受到它在你身體中擺動。
They don't have to see how the vocal cords are vibrating, or know exactly how difficult it is to play the instrument. 他們不用親眼看著聲帶是怎樣振動的,也不用知道彈奏樂器有多難。
First, the researchers tested whether their system could locate the small pulsing movement caused by a vibrating ball. 首先,研究者們測試人工側線系統能否定位由一個振動球產生的微小脈衝水波。
They propose that each so-called fundamental particle actually contains a tiny, vibrating, one-dimensional loop of string. 他們認為每一個所謂的基礎粒子實際有一個更小的,振動著的,一維循環的弦。
The idea is that when your finger moves across the screen, tiny electrical charges create a buzzing or vibrating sensation. 他們的創意是當手指滑過螢幕的時候,會有微小的電流產生信號聲或振動感。
Now I didn't use — no hands — that was just the notes that are naturally on the twelve and a half-foot length of vibrating air. 我沒有用手控制,都是十二個半英尺高的震動空氣柱,自然產生的音符。
Here's a little secret he doesn't know: EVERYONE sees his phone lighting up. And hears it vibrating violently every two minutes. 這裡有個他不知道的秘密:每個人都看到他的手機亮起來,聽到它每兩分鐘就劇烈震動。
Its vibrating body shakes free the golden dust that will feed the larvae back in the nest-and promise the plant's DNA a future. 它抖動著身體將金黃色的花粉搖晃出來,然後帶回巢內餵養幼蟲——同時幫助植物順利的繁衍了下一代。
Other iPhone features for the deaf include closed-captioned movies, visual and vibrating alerts, and TTY, or teletypewriter, support. 其他針對聾人的iPhone功能包括內建字幕的電影、視覺與震動響鈴,以及TTY,或者叫做電報編寫器支持。