- 外文名:utopianism
- 釋義:空想的社會改良方案;烏托邦思想
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音:[juːˈtəʊpiənɪzəm]
物和法則的作用被無限地誇大,而主體的作用則完全被忽略;二是“抽象的烏托邦主義”(abstract utopianism),不主張社會革命,寄希望於個人倫理水平的提高來實現社會主義,虛幻地誇大個體與奇蹟的作用。盧卡奇認為,只有放棄物化意識,確立無產階級的自覺的階級意識,才能為社會主義革命奠定思想前提。
Bjarke提出了“實用烏托 邦”(PragmaticUtopianism)的理論。在Yes Is More 的導言中,他寫道:“從歷史上看,建築領域一直由兩大極端對立的思想統治著。一邊是一個前衛的狂熱思想,經常與現實脫節,以致無法成功。另一方面,存在一 些擅於建造平庸乏味的高質量火柴盒建築的顧問公司。建築似乎被迫陷入兩個同樣貧瘠的...
10.非理想主義者(nonutopianism)11自我負責(self-responsibility)(二)治療過程 理性情緒行為治療在過程中大致可分為四個階段:1.第一階段(解說階段):對當事人說明其問題是因非理性觀念所致。2.第二階段(證明階段):對當事人證明其情緒困擾一直存在乃因其繼續存有不合邏輯的的思考所致,並找出此一不合理想法...
THE SCIENCE OF PEACE: CONTEMPORARY UTOPIANISM 4 The Struggle for Power: Policy of the Status Quo The Struggle for Power: Imperialism WHAT IMPERIALISM IS NOT ECONOMIC THEORIES OF IMPERIALISM The Marxist, Liberal, and "Devil" Theories of Imperialism Criticism of These Theories DIFFERENT TYPES OF ...
著有《拯救一切,點擊此處:技術解決方案主義的愚蠢》(To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Utopianism)、《網路錯覺:網際網路自由的陰暗面》(The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom)等。叢書信息 東西文庫 (共32冊), 這套叢書還有 《掘金黑客》,《有限與無限的遊戲》,...
第十一章 正義與同情心的道德化 第十二章 正義德行的自我意識性 作者簡介 慈繼偉,香港大學文學院人文學院哲學系教授。主要研究領域為社會哲學、政治哲學、倫理學,擅長從社會和政治哲學及倫理學的角度研究當代中國。著有《正義的兩面》、Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism等。
1.Chinese Utopianism: A Comparative Study of Reformist Thought with Japan and Russia (1898-1997)(專著). [中國的烏托邦主義: 同日本,俄國改革思想比較],Stanford University Press- Wilson Center Press 斯坦大學出 版社及威爾遜中心出版社2009年聯合出版。2.Scientism and Humanism: Two Cultures in Post-...
1.3.3 Utopianism of Planning Theory 1.4 Ecology 1.4.1 Charles Darwin: Natural Selection 1.4.2 Human Nutritional Requirements 1.4.3 Resource Demand: A Historical-Ecological Perspective Questions Chapter 2 New Concepts of Ecological City 2.1 Richard Register's "Ecocity"2.1.1 The Present ...
41. The Nung-chia (農家)“School of the Tillers” and the origins of peasant Utopianism in China, BSOAS 42/1 (1978), reprinted Studies.《中國的“農家”和農民烏托邦主義的起源》42. How much of Chuang-tzu did Chuang-tzu write? In Studies in Early Chinese Thought, edited by Henry Rosemont...
Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism,Stanford, Calif.: stanford University Press, 1994.The Two Faces of Justice, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006.代表性論文 “Chapter Thirty-eight of the Daodejing as an Imaginary Genealogy of Morals,” in Chris Fraser,...
In fact, this "middle - class" government is not only a subjective product characteristic of apriority and utopianism, but also has extreme strong class - consciousness.實際上,亞氏的“中產階級”政體不僅是主觀性產物,帶有先驗性和空想性,而且還具有極強的階級性。
finds in the social theory of Isaiah Berlin a number of fruitful ways to reframe the debate over these questions, and to contribute to a more positive conversation regarding our fundamental differences. The book focuses particularly on Berlin's critique of monism and idealistic utopianism, arguing...
Reference 070 科技烏托邦Techno-utopianism 388 科技與質疑Science and Inquiry 389 科技雙刃劍Science and Technology: a Two-edged Weapon 390 科學局限性Science and Its Limits 392 知識局限性Knowledge and Its Limits 394 Reference 075 科學發現Scientific Discovery 396 科學發現與運氣Scientific Discovery and ...
博士論文題為"Peace under Heaven: The (Re)Making of an Ideal World Order in Chinese Utopianism (1902-1911)",在《文學評論》《中國現代文學研究叢刊》《中國比較文學》《開放時代》《當代作家評論》《Utopian Studies》《Science Fiction Studies》等中英文學術期刊發表論文五十餘篇,出版著作四部,主編大型叢書...
4、莫里斯·邁斯納:馬克思主義、毛澤東主義與烏托邦主義(Maurice Meisner, Marxism, Maoism and Utopianism )5、約翰·布萊恩·斯塔爾:毛澤東的政治哲學(John Bryan Starr, Continuing the revolution: the political thought of Mao)6、布蘭特利·沃馬克:毛澤東政治思想的基礎 1917—1935(Brantly Womack, The ...
Does feminism's recourse to myth offer a script of resistance or commit it to an ineffective utopianism? Covering a wide range of subject areas including poetry, philosophy, science, history, and psychoanalysis as well as classics, this book engages with these questions from a truly interdisciplina...
the most remarkable characters in literature, the unnamed narrator is a former official who has defiantly withdrawn into an underground existence. In full retreat from society, he scrawls a passionate, obsessive, self-contradictory narrative that serves as a devastating attack on social utopianism and...