



  • 外文名:utensil
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 釋義:用具,器皿
  • 英式讀音:[juːˈtensl]


cigarette utensil 菸具
utensil knife 美工刀
Utensil Cupboard 器皿櫃


  • 1Return the utensil, please.把病房用具還回來。
  • 2Bread Bread is a utensil.麵包只是食具。
  • 3Teachers use chalk as a writing utensil.老師們把粉筆當成了一個書寫器具了。
  • 4Bread is a utensil.麵包只是食具。
  • 5Not every utensil or food can be put into it.不是所有的廚房用具和食物都可以放進微波爐里的。
  • 6But here, not any instrument whatever, not a utensil.但是這裡卻沒有任何工具和家具。
  • 7The spoon has the longest history as a dinner utensil.勺子是歷史最為悠久的餐具。
  • 8I regard it as a treasure suitable for a gentleman's utensil.我把它當做寶貝,適宜於做君子的器皿。
  • 9Masidun is a utensil used when twisting hempen threads in old times.麻絲墩是舊時績麻所用的一種器具。
  • 10This elegant utensil is called Yi. Ancient nobles used it to wash hands in.這件造型秀氣的器物叫匜,是古代貴族專門用來洗手的用具。
  • 11Taking a camping utensil that can serve as a knife, fork and spoon to school.他把一個可以做刀、勺子還有叉子的野營工具帶到學校去了。
  • 12On the 6th day Cells were seen around the fetus rabbit sciatic piece in the utensil.在第6天見細胞從胎兔神經組織塊周圍爬出。
  • 13Objective To discuss the limitation of ultrasonic detection on prevenception utensil.目的探討超聲在宮內節育器觀察上的局限性。
  • 14This requires rationally designing the size and tolerance zone of calculative utensil.這就要求計量器具的尺寸和公差帶設計要合理。
  • 15As a main utensil in the daily life, furniture has great relation with the life style.家具作為人們日常生活的主要器具與生活方式有著密切的聯繫。
  • 16This company specialized management kitchen utensil, environmental protection cookware.本公司專業經營廚房用具,環保灶具。
  • 17The only unusual eating utensil is a pair of scissors used for cutting open the packages.唯一不平常的就餐器具是一把剪刀,用來剪開包裹。
  • 18Vertical metal tank is one of the main measurement utensil of liquid petroleum products.立式金屬罐是大宗液體石油產品的主要計量器具。
  • 19The best utensil for steaming is a wok because its width easily accommodates a whole fish.鍋是蒸魚的最好器具,因為它很寬,可以輕鬆放下一整條魚。
  • 20To prevail wine utensil, it reflects that people is addicted to wine in Late Shang Period.酒器的盛行,反映了晚商時期殷人嗜酒的風習。
  • 21She recommended the construction of cupboards, shelves and drawers adapted to each sort of utensil.她提出建造碗櫥、貨架以及抽屜,以便適合不同種類的器皿。
  • 22Any surface of equipment, utensil, packaging, etc. that normally comes into contact with food.食品接觸表面:如設備、炊具、包裝表面等與食品直接接觸的表面。
  • 23A hollow utensil, such as a cup, vase, or pitcher, used as a container, especially for liquids.容器:一種空的容器,比如杯子、瓶子或罐子,用來裝液體的一種器皿。
  • 24The thesis begins from analyzing Chinese utensil culture from the angle of arts and techniques.本文首先從藝術與技術兩個視角考察我國器物文化。
  • 25What everyone else thinks it means: a writing utensil used for marking important passages of text.別人認為它的意思是:用來標識出重要文章段落的寫作工具。
  • 26The lens is a writing utensil; pictures and images are the material remnants of the act of writing.攝影機鏡頭是一種書寫工具,圖像與影像則是書寫留存下來的物質化存在。
  • 27Marius heard a sound of charcoal being knocked with the tongs or some iron utensil, and Jondrette continued.馬呂斯聽到一陣火鉗或其他鐵器和煤塊相撞的聲音。
  • 28Elena Kovaleva, 71, can keep any types of utensil on her body such as irons, plastic bowls and crystal ashtrays.她能吸附起包括熨斗、塑膠碗、水晶菸灰缸等許多用品。
  • 29We are specialize in produce kinds of kitchen utensil and hotel tools, include strainer, food tongs, fruit juicer.公司致於網漏、食品夾及各種蔬果機等的廚房酒店用品的開發與生產。

