- 外文名:unscathed
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ʌnˈskeɪðd]
- 美式發音:[ʌnˈskeɪðd]
“覆巢之下,復有完卵乎”是出自《世說新語·言語》的成語,翻譯為when the nest is overturned,no egg stays unbrocken―in a great disaster no one can escape unscathed。原文 《世說新語·言語》:“孔融被收,中外惶怖。
the chairman of the Federal Reserve who presided over the 1990s stock-market bubble - perhaps the biggest speculative frenzy in history - and walked away when it came crashing down, with his reputation apparently unscathed...
May this person go unscathed And be free Of yellow colour May this person go unscathed And be free of yellow colour In the colour of the red bull I envelop you Whilst more red planes still fly east I envelop you ...
the chairman of the Federal Reserve who presided over the 1990s stock-market bubble - perhaps the biggest speculative frenzy in history - and walked away when it came crashing down, with his reputation apparently unscathed...