- 外文名:unfamiliar
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˌʌnfəˈmɪliə(r)]
- 美式發音:[ˌʌnfəˈmɪliər]
- 1My horse shied at the unfamiliar noise.這陌生的聲音把我的馬驚了。《牛津詞典》
- 2She felt uneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings.她在陌生的環境中感到局促不安。《牛津詞典》
- 3Please highlight any terms that are unfamiliar to you.請把你們不熟悉的用語都標示出來。《牛津詞典》
- 4She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.她不說日語並且不熟悉日本文化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 5The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.這本書基本上是讓那些不熟悉該學科的人對其有個初步的了解。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 6Maybe you'll experience a bad meal in an unfamiliar place.也許你會在一個不熟悉的地方吃一頓糟糕的飯。
- 7Physical contact between unfamiliar people is negatively perceived.人們牴觸不熟悉的人之間的身體接觸。
- 8Tony's mother put different foods that were unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates.托尼的媽媽把艾米不熟悉的不同食物放在大盤子裡。
- 9You will make new friends in an unfamiliar class, and get to know new teachers.你將在一個不熟悉的班級結交新朋友,認識新的老師。
- 10Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.他們的小女兒去到了垃圾桶邊,發現了一堆不熟悉的檔案。
- 11The brain creates images of unfamiliar smells by relating them to other more familiar smells.大腦將陌生氣味與其他更熟悉的氣味相關聯,以為其創建圖像。
- 12It gives his films an uncanny feature: the familiar made unfamiliar, the normal made suspicious.這給他的電影帶來神秘的色彩:讓熟悉變得陌生,讓正常變得可疑。
- 13Unlike the British, continental migrants have to struggle with an unfamiliar language and new customs.與英國人不同的是,歐洲大陸的移民必須努力適應陌生的語言和新的習俗。
- 14You can talk fairly rapidly for information that may be familiar, but then slow down for more unfamiliar sections.對於熟悉的信息,你可以說得很快,但對於不熟悉的部分就慢下來了。
- 15For those unfamiliar with the delightful prairie vole, it is a small rodent found in the grasslands of central North America.對於那些不熟悉可愛的草原田鼠的人來說,這是一種在北美中部草原上發現的小型齧齒動物。
- 16I also recognized the body, the head with the hair gathered in an unfamiliar knot, the neck, the broad back, and the strong arms.我也認出了他的身體,他的頭上打著一個陌生的結的頭髮,他的脖頸,他寬闊的後背和有力的胳膊。
- 17The Permian event has attracted much less attention than other mass extinctions because mostly unfamiliar species perished at that time.二疊紀大滅絕事件比其他大滅絕事件受到的關注要少得多,因為那時滅絕的大多是我們不熟悉的物種。
- 18That people often experience trouble sleeping in a different bed in unfamiliar surroundings is a phenomenon known as the "first-night" effect.在不熟悉的環境中,人們經常在陌生的床上睡不著覺,這種現象被稱為“初夜”效應。
- 19How would I, unable to speak the language, totally unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems, set up interviews and do research?我不會說當地的語言,完全不熟悉當地的地理環境或交通系統,我該如何安排採訪和做研究呢?
- 20They saw that the male cleaner fish — even in this unfamiliar lab setting — would punish or chase away the female fish if the females ate a prawn.他們看到,如果雌魚吃了對蝦——即使是在這個陌生的實驗室環境中——雄性裂唇魚也會懲罰或驅趕雌魚。
- 21Apparently, it also contributes to the development of a brain that's flexible, a brain that's quickly able to get a handle on unfamiliar situations.顯然,它還有助於大腦的發展,使大腦變得靈活,能迅速處理陌生情況。
- 22When you find yourself off a trail, but not in a completely unfamiliar area of land, you have to answer two questions: Which way is downhill, in this particular area?當發現自己偏離路線,但又並非身處完全陌生的區域時,你要回答兩個問題:在這片區域,哪邊是下坡方向?
- 23An unfamiliar digital human that has been created through CGI will also face the same challenge as an unknown actor: they don't have the appeal of an established name.一個通過計算機生成圖像技術創造出來的陌生的數字人物也將面臨與一個不知名演員同樣的挑戰:他們沒有知名演員的吸引力。
- 24Researchers who are unfamiliar with the cultural and ethnic groups they are studying must take extra precautions to shed any biases they bring with them from their own culture.不熟悉所研究的文化和種族群體的研究人員必須採取額外預防措施,以擺脫他們從自己的文化帶來的任何偏見。
- 25Biologists also noted deer sniff and lick an unfamiliar rub, which suggests that this visual mark on a small tree plays an important communication purpose in the social life of deer.生物學家也注意到鹿會嗅和舔陌生的擦痕,這表明小樹上的這種視覺標記在鹿群的社會生活中起著重要的交流作用。
- 26This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.這是第一個演示,我們可以選擇孩子將學習什麼單詞,而孩子可以用陌生的聲音在陌生的環境下給出指令回應單詞。
- 27Imagine how intimidating it can be for prospective students unfamiliar with the complexities of higher education to navigate this kind of information and then identify which schools are the best fit.想像一下,對於不熟悉高等教育複雜性的預備學生來說,瀏覽這類信息並確定哪些學校是最合適的,是多么可怕的一件事。
- 28She grew many wonderful plants that were unfamiliar to me.她種了很多我從未見過的奇異植物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 29They must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration proposal from those who are wary of—or unfamiliar with—open science.他們必須確定那些對開放科學持謹慎態度或對其不熟悉的人危及工作機會或合作提議的風險。
- 30A price promotion entices only a brand's long-term or "loyal" customers; people seldom buy an unfamiliar brand merely because the price is reduced.價格促銷只能吸引一個品牌的長期或“忠誠”客戶;人們很少會僅僅因為品牌價格降低而購買這個不熟悉的品牌。