



  • 外文名:undeveloped
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˌʌndɪˈveləpt]
  • 美式讀音: [ˌʌndɪˈveləpt]


  1. ADJ An undeveloped country or region does not have modern industries and usually has a low standard of living. (國家或地區)不發達的 [usu ADJ n]
  2. ADJ Undeveloped land has not been built on or used for activities such as mining and farming. (土地)未開發的


  • 1The big losers will be the undeveloped countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.最大的損失者將為不已開發國家,特別是撒哈拉以南的非洲國家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, but the languages they speak are by no means primitive.有許多人他們的文化不發達,但他們說的語言絕不是原始的。
  • 3The reason often given for the low regard in which smell is held is that, in comparison with its importance among animals, the human sense of smell is feeble and undeveloped.人們通常不重視嗅覺的原因是,雖然嗅覺對於動物很重要,但人類的嗅覺是薄弱而不發達的。
  • 4Vast tracts of the country are wild and undeveloped.這個國家有大片荒蕪未開發的土地。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Some villages in the world still suffer from problems such as poor road conditions, shabby toilets, dirty environment, and undeveloped basic public services.世界上的一些農村仍遭受著很多問題,如糟糕的道路條件,破舊的廁所,骯髒的環境,以及發展不完善的公共基礎服務等。
  • 6I like this undeveloped island.我喜歡這座未開發的島嶼。
  • 7Hoarding surrounds large tracts of undeveloped land.圍欄里還圈著大量未開發的土地。
  • 8The landscape is uniquely primeval and rather undeveloped.特有的原始景觀,沒開發過的。
  • 9Yetthat, in the most undeveloped parts of India, will take years.但是達到這一目的,印度的大多數不發達地區將需要很多年時間。
  • 10However it remains one of the poorest, undeveloped and unstable.然而,它也一直是最窮、最亂、最落後的地區之一。
  • 11Undeveloped land appears along the left edges of the top two images.從最上面的兩張圖片中可以看到,左側邊緣地區的土地尚未被開發利用,只有隱約可見的在建街道網,該處地表呈現為米黃色和棕黃色。
  • 12Yet that, in the most undeveloped parts of India, will take years.然而,在印度最不發達的地區,這將需要數年時間。
  • 13Indeed, cotton still grows on undeveloped land across from Hudson Alpha.實際上,棉花依然種植在哈森·阿爾法對面未開發的地域。
  • 14Their assistance provided technical help for an undeveloped country.他們的援助為第三世界國家提供了技術幫助。
  • 15Much of the island remains undeveloped and has miles of pristine beaches.該島擁有數英里的原始海濱,大部分地區還沒有開發。
  • 16Those targets have become harder to reach as the sunniest undeveloped land is put off limits.由於這片陽光最充足的未開發地正被加上種種開發限制,那些目標就變得更加難以實現了。
  • 17If the whole mind does not work from the beginning its full powers remain undeveloped to the end.如果整個頭腦不是從一開始就被調動起來,它的能量就是到了最後也不會得到發揮。
  • 18I often set aside undeveloped thoughts so I can use such time to think them through and develop them.我經常會預留一些不成熟的想法,以便我能在這些時間裡思考和完善它們。
  • 19That intrigued me - primeval landscape, as-yet undeveloped and not a word of it in the "Lonely Planet Guide."這一切引起了我的興趣:原始景觀,未開發過,而且《Lonely Planet旅遊指南》上隻字未提。
  • 20Despite our scientific and technological brilliance, our understanding of God is often remarkably undeveloped-even primitive.儘管我們的科學技術成就輝煌,我們對上帝的理解往往是非常落後的——甚至是原始的。
  • 21Despite our scientific and technological brilliance, our understanding of God is often remarkably undeveloped? Even primitive.儘管我們的科學技術成就輝煌,我們對上帝的理解往往是非常落後的——甚至是原始的。
  • 22Iraq has total oil reserves of 115bn barrels, placing it near the top of the global list of known verifiable undeveloped reserves.伊拉克的石油儲量達1150億桶,在全球已探明未開發儲量中名列前茅。
  • 23And so, today, the undeveloped Amur is a glorious exception to other rivers. The closer to the mouth, the more remote it feels.因此今天,黑龍江的未開發狀態是眾多河流中一個光榮的例外,越靠近河口,越讓人覺得遙遠而偏僻。


