



  • 外文名:typographic
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[,taɪpə'græfɪk]
  • 釋義:排字上的;印刷上的


typographic font 印刷字型
Strong typographic 於加強語氣
Typographic Practice 字型版面設計
typographic press 活版印刷機
Typographic machines 印刷機 ; 凸版印刷機械
typographic paper 凸版紙
Typographic Design 排版設計 ; 印刷設計
Typographic Skills 排版技術
typographic time 今古奇觀


  • 1This overturning of convention, this assailing of standard graphic and typographic formats, was part of a search for intellectual freedom.這種對傳統的顛覆,這種對標準圖形和排版格式的攻擊,是對知識自由追求的一部分。
  • 2Beautiful typographic map designed by Dirk Sch? Chter from Germany.來自德國的迪克設計的漂亮的排字印刷地圖。
  • 3Bold: Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face.黑體:印刷字型學的名詞,指筆劃較標準的字型為粗的字型。
  • 4Double dagger: a typographic symbol used as a third order reference mark.雙劍號:用於第三個腳註的印刷字型附註符號。
  • 5What is the current state of graphic design and typographic experimentation in China?平面設計和字型學在中國目前的情況如何?
  • 6Product Designer, Book Designer, Typographic lover and researcher, based in Shanghai.產品設計師,書籍設計師,字型排印愛好和研究者,現居上海。
  • 7Use the image glyph bounds (instead of the typographic bounds) when computing layout.計算布局時使用圖元字形(而不是印刷字型)。
  • 8The suitable ink thickness is the key factor to ensure the typographic gradation quality.墨層厚度是否恰好合適是實現印刷色彩層次最佳還原的關鍵性因素。
  • 9Paragraph opener: Typographic device marking the start of a paragraph which needs emphasizing.起段符號:排字方面的圖案,標誌著重要段落的起點。
  • 10Plain text encodes DCMI metadata by typographic means somewhat specific to the work in question.通過印刷方式使用無格式文本編碼的dcmi元數據在某種程度上是針對所處理的作品的。
  • 115 is commonly recommended in classic typographic books, so our study backs up this rule of thumb.通常被推薦於傳統印刷的書籍中,那么我們的研究也支持這個單憑經驗的方法。
  • 12Shorn of the usual typographic tools, e-books on these devices have turned into monotonous blocks of characters.缺少了通常印刷工具的效果,這些產品上的電子書變成了單調的大段文字。
  • 13Handling these typographic details on the Web brings new challenges and restrictions that need to be considered.而在網際網路上進行排版設計時我們需要考慮到一些全新的挑戰和限制。
  • 14When mention Book Binding, the things that we talk about the most are the cover, layout, typographic design, etc.當我們談到書籍裝幀的時候,說的最多的是封面設計、內文版式設計、字型設計等等。
  • 15A book's cover design can be photographic, illustrative, iconic, typographic or something more conceptual, he says.他說,一本書的封面可以加照片,加插圖,加圖示,純文字或者更有創意的東西。
  • 16Maybe for one month you can try to design something retro. For another month, you can try your hand at some typographic posters.也許你可以花一個月來做一些復古的設計,而其他時候則著手設計印刷海報。
  • 17The markup includes tags such as, and, which map fairly naturally to the typographic forms one might encounter in a printed copy.標記中包括如、和等標記,這些十分自然地映射到人們可能在印刷拷貝中遇到的排版形式。
  • 18References of several types are properly matched up, document sections are identified, character-level typographic markup is added.它正確地匹配了不同類型的引用、標識了文檔節並添加了字元級別的排版標記。
  • 19LaTeX is great for sophisticated typography; but it also has lots of tags, and these articles don't need typographic sophistication.LaTeX特別適合複雜的印刷格式;但它也有許多標記,而這些文章並不需要複雜的印刷格式。
  • 20Studies will expand to include text applications, grid systems, layout and page systems, and typographic expression and communication.研究工作將擴大到包括文本套用,電網系統,頁面布局和系統,以及印刷的表達和溝通。
  • 21Alignment: Typographic term to indicate the position of each type is perfectly aligned across a base line. The term in full is base alignment.基線對齊:印刷字型學的術語。指每個字母都沿著它的基線對齊位置。
  • 22They are called "pseudo-WYSIWYG" because they use color, boldness, and other typographic attributes to emulate a word processor with XML content.由於它們使用顏色、黑體字和其它排版屬性來模仿能處理 XML 內容的字處理器,因此被稱為“偽所見即所得”。
  • 23Also included are rich typographical controls, including kerning, ligatures, typographic case, and support for more than 30 multilingual writing systems.SaaS還包括豐富的印刷控制,比如字距調整、連字、印刷大小寫,以及對30多種多語言書寫系統的支持。
  • 24Among the many specialized degree programs in this field are digital media production, illustration, commercial art, typographic design, and 3d animation.這個領域的很多專業學位教學計畫都包括數字媒體生產,插圖,商業美術,排版設計和3d動畫。


