《Tropical Rainforest》是由Ben Shedd執導,Geoffrey Holder主演的一部紀錄片。
- 外文名:Tropical Rainforest
- 導演:Ben Shedd
- 編劇:Simon Campbell-Jones
- 主演:Geoffrey Holder
導演 | 編劇 | 剪輯 |
Ben Shedd | Simon Campbell-Jones | Vincent Stenerson |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
- | Geoffrey Holder |
《Tropical Rainforest》是由Ben Shedd執導,Geoffrey Holder主演的一部紀錄片。
導演 | 編劇 | 剪輯 |
Ben Shedd | Simon Campbell-Jones | Vincent Stenerson |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
- | Geoffrey Holder |
biog...(展開全部) Synthesizing theoretical and empirical analyses of the processes that help shape these unique ecosystems, "Tropical Rainforests" looks at the effects of evolutionary histories, past climate change, and ecological dynamics on the origin and maintenance of tropical rainforest communiti...
熱帶雨林氣候(Tropical Rainforest Climate),又稱赤道多雨氣候,顯著特徵有全年高溫、多雨、氣溫差異小,即:季節分配均勻,無乾旱期;各月平均氣溫在25-28℃;年降水量可達2000毫米以上,主要分布在赤道兩側南北緯10°之間(赤道附近),例如南美洲亞馬遜平原(亞馬孫平原)、非洲剛果盆地和幾內亞灣沿岸、亞洲的馬來...
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra 入選時間:2004年 批准依據:瀕危自然遺產(vii)(ix)(x)地理位置:S02 30 00 E101 30 00 遺產編號:1167 遺產描述 蘇門答臘熱帶雨林位於印度尼西亞的蘇門答臘島上。蘇門答臘島熱帶雨林幅員250萬公頃,是萬種植物、超過200種哺乳類動物及580種雀鳥的棲息之所,雨林保存著...
熱帶雨林Tropicalrainforest146 127 山頂矮樹Topmountaindwarfforest22 5 3.3 熱帶半落葉季雨林中的多孔菌 本類型主要分布在本島西部濱海低丘陵、台地和山緣乾熱盆地中,在北部和東部濱海台地上也有分布。生境高溫、乾燥,年雨量800~1300mm,季節分布不均勻,年蒸發量遠超過年雨量。構成本植被類型外貌最明顯的...
most remote areas of rainforest on earth. It is situated at the very edge of the Amazon Basin in South Eastern Peru, where the headwaters of the Tambopata River run out of the Andes. The forest is a strange transitional area where the flora and fauna of Mountain and Tropical Rainforest ...
TROPICAL RAINFOREST熱帶雨林 17春夏主流款式,夏季植物、熱帶棕櫚樹作為重點印花主題,通過超強亮色配色,呈現出視覺對比強烈的印花風格,是熱帶印花的關鍵特點。THE DIGITAL FUTURE未來數碼 專為前衛年輕男士與女士量身定製的未來感數碼印花,儘管以堅硬的幾何形體為設計雛形,但是在色彩上採用色彩漸變效果,運用光線亮麗的...
(tropical freshwater)、“紅樹林展區”以及“雨林展區”(mangrove and rainforest)。如此細緻的分區展示,在全世界所有的水族館中都是少有的,也是倫敦水族館的一個特色之一。在這14個展區中,大西洋和太平洋兩個展區是由巨大的水箱和各式各樣的海洋生物組成的;在太平洋水箱中還有諸如護士鯊(nurse sharks)、...
16You can see its unique and abundant flora and fauna in its tropical rainforest.你能在這裡看到稀有而種類繁多的動植物。17In fact, the woods are flora since flora are plants and fauna are animals.實際上森林是flora,因為flora是植物,而fauna是動物。18The Pandoran fauna and flora clearly share ...
Chen, H.;Cao, M ;Baskin, JM ;Baskin, CC"Temperature regulates positively photoblastic seed germination in four ficus (moraceae) tree species from contrasting habitats in a seasonal tropical rainforest."American journal of botany100,8(2013):1683-7.Gama-Arachchige, NS ;Baskin, JM ;Geneve, RL...
Habitat subtropical monsoon climate tropical rainforest ecological system Host on the rotten woods of broad-leaf tree 採集人 莊文穎 王 征 Isolation Person Wu Xingliang 採集時間 保存單位 中國科學院微生物研究所真菌標本室, 北京 100080 Preservation Unit Mycological Herbarium, Guizhou Academy of ...
《Amazing Grace Granted by Nature》Mixed paper,size 96*178cm,The creation in 2013.This painting is an artist in Luoyang tropical rainforest sketch creation, works were blossoming flower, pure and fresh and free from vulgarity .This is Wang Qingzhou creative works of Chinese painting in 2013,...
Erik Pawassar是一位藝術家。主要作品 Erik Pawassar的主要作品信息如下:1、H2O I - large format abstract photograph of sun reflection on pool water surface, 2014 2、Cloud Forest I - large format photograph of fantastical tropical rainforest, 2020 3、Redwoods - large format nature observation ...