- 外文名:tongued
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[tʌŋd]
- 美式發音:[tʌŋd]
(2) 吐舌的,伸出舌頭狀 [tongued]老子驚怪,故吐舌聃然,遂有 老聃之號。——《太平廣記》引 葛洪《神仙傳》詞性變化 ◎ 聃 Dān 〈名〉(1) 古國名 [Dan State]故封建親戚以蕃屏周。 管、 蔡… 聃… 文之昭也。——《...
舌進 舌進(tongued advance)是1994年公布的石油名詞。公布時間 1994年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《石油名詞》第一版。
honeysweet,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞,用作形容詞譯為“甜如蜜的”。詞形辨析 honeysuckle 忍冬 honeysweet 甜如蜜的 honey-tongued 甜言蜜語的 短語搭配 honeysweet orange 柳蜜橙 honeysweet t 柳蜜柑 honeysweet ora freege 柳...
That silver tongued devil and I I call the fair maidens who've laid down beside him She knew in her heart that he'd lied Nothing that I could have said could have saved her No matter how hard that I tried Caus...
slow-tongued; to stammer, to shout in triumph; the noise of shoting in battle 《康熙字典》㕯【醜集上】【口部】康熙筆畫:7畫部外筆畫:4畫 《康熙字典》:㕯 《唐韻》《集韻》女滑切《韻會》女刮切,𠀤音豽。《...
than it really is. 誇張的 短語搭配 Overblown Steel[冶] 過吹鋼 overblown beauty 遲暮美人 Overblown color 是色彩過嚗失去細節 tongued and overblown flutes 長笛的彈舌和泛音 an overblown style of writing 華而不實的文體 ...
Synonym: ambidextrous double-dealing duplicitous Janus-faced two-faced double-faced double-tongued 2 intended to deceive Synonym: fallacious fraudulent 單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 deceitful /dɪ...
浮水蛙是一種三角形生物 浮水蛙 學名:Occidozyga lima(Gravlenhorst)英名Pointed-tongued floating frog 中文名稱為尖舌浮蛙、浮水蛙或稻田蛙,本蛙種在美國地區相當受歡迎,台灣本地亦曾有少量進口,小巧靈活的身形,突出的雙眼,全長...
別名藍舌蜥,英文名Blue-tongued skink。石龍子科 hēi huánɡ róu xī Tiliqua nigrolutea Gray 。分布於澳大利亞南部的溫帶地區和塔斯馬尼亞的沙漠地區。體長達38厘米左右。頭很大,身體寬大並覆蓋著光滑的鱗片。四肢發達。有一條帶有...
1.N the son of Gaea and Tartarus who had a hundred dragon heads, which spurted fire, and a bellowing many-tongued voice. He created the whirlwinds and fought with Zeus before the god hurled him beneath Mount Etna ...
多嘴多舌 ; 話說得太多 a gossipy letter 閒聊式的信 I am not gossipy 我不是一個八卦的人 ; 我才不會長舌呢 ; 我才不是長舌婦呢 gossipy and meddlesome be long-tongued 話說得太多 ...
Y'punk y'silver tongued shnake I'd rather make furniture than go to midnight mass Y'tulip y'pea brained earwig Y'punk y'silver tongued snake He's a genius in research I simply fell in love I've got your...
1.N the ugliest and most evil-tongued fighter on the Greek side in the Trojan War, killed by Achilles when he mocked him 瑟賽蒂茲; 特洛伊戰爭中希臘隊伍里最醜陋、說話最惡毒的一名戰士,因取笑阿喀琉斯而被其殺死 ...
又稱海陸交替相含煤岩系(intetongued marine-and-continental coal measures)。聚煤盆地長期處於海岸線附近環境下形成的含煤岩系。含煤岩系由淺海、過渡相的潟湖、沙洲、沙灘、障壁島、三角洲、濱海湖泊和陸相河流、沼澤等的沉積物...
Leaving me wide eye and silver tongued And if were gonna do this To get through this We need to find the water And once were through it To undo it We need to find the lighthouse Light beams that toss inside Wit...
Tiger tongued tinse, see the old queens Of the night,were stone cold stiletto-toed Stone mama's alright oh casual agent oh casual agent oh casual agent oh casual agent oh casual agent oh casual agent oh casual agent...