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  • 外文名:tenacious
  • 英式音標:[təˈneɪʃəs]
  • 美式音標:[təˈneɪʃəs]
  • 詞性:形容詞


英 [təˈneɪʃəs] 美 [təˈneɪʃəs]
adj. 頑強的,堅韌不拔的;穩固的,牢固的;(觀點、信念)根深蒂固的,深入人心的;頑強的,堅忍不拔的
[ 比較級 more tenacious 最高級 most tenacious ]


The tenacious dog 不懈努力的狗
Tenacious unbending 頑強平 ; 頑強不屈 ; 堅韌頑強
Tenacious Defender 頑強防禦者
tenacious clay 粘土 ; 黏土
RSS Tenacious 強力號


  • The largest land-dwelling member of the weasel family is strong, tenacious, sharp-toothed and cunning. 黃鼠狼家族裡最大的陸地居住成員是強有力,堅韌的,有鋒利的牙齒而且狡猾。
  • She's a tenacious woman. She never gives up. 她是個堅毅的人,從不放棄。
  • He is regarded as a tenacious and persistent interviewer. 他被認為是個執著堅毅的採訪者。
  • If there are more tenacious spots to clean off, you can use a wet rag to rub them clean. 如果有頑固污漬的地方需要清理,你可以用塊濕抹布擦乾淨。
  • We must learn from the tenacious fighting spirit of Lu Xun. 我們要學習魯迅先生韌性的戰鬥精神。
  • She’s tenacious, kind and intuitive. 她頑強、善良,並且有天賦。
  • Be tenacious and always do their best. 不屈不撓,全力以赴做到最好。
  • Victory belongs to the most tenacious. 勝利,是屬於最堅韌的人。
  • Victory is among the most tenacious people. 勝利,是屬於最堅韌的人。
  • I'm very tenacious... and I don't give up. 我似乎很頑固…………但我並沒有放棄。
  • This is his tenacious fight with the disease dynamics. 這是他頑強地與疾病作鬥爭的動力。
  • Lecture topic: The First 1000 Days of Airbnb (or Be Tenacious). 演講題目:Airbnb的前1000天(或“堅韌”)。
  • You must be tenacious of life to survive that place so long. 在那個地方生存那么久,你的生命力一定是夠頑強的。
  • Similarly, rats injected with high levels of uridine were equally tenacious. 在注射了大量尿苷的大鼠中,也發現了同樣的現象。
  • But our optimism must also be leavened with caution. Malaria is a tenacious foe. 但是,我們在樂觀的同時應該保持清醒,我們要認識到瘧疾是一種頑固的疾病。
  • The most curious were baffled by her silence and the most tenacious by her obstinacy. 最好奇的人在她那種沉默面前,最頑強的人在她那種固執面前也都毫無辦法。
  • The first is that old power structures are often far more tenacious than they appear. 第一點是,就的權利比較較之其當初是更為牢固。
  • You’ve heard that luck favors the well-prepared but what about luck favoring the tenacious? 你聽說過“幸運只降臨有準備的人身上”的說法吧?但你聽說過“幸運眷顧堅持不懈的人”的說法嗎?
  • She was just incredibly tenacious and like those Dagenham girls, she wasn't the centre of her own world. 她只是異常頑強,而正如其他達格南女孩一樣,她無法主宰自己的生活。
  • The largest land-dwelling member of the weasel family, it is strong, tenacious, sharp-toothed and cunning. 黃鼠狼家族裡最大的陸地居住成員,它們是強有力的,堅韌,有鋒利的牙齒而且狡猾。
  • Good teams react and show tenacious qualities. City, in contrast, continued to concede all round the field. 一支好的球隊應該具有頑強的品質,而曼城則沒有表現出這種品質,他們在球場的每一處都遭到失敗。
  • Fights its way out since the moment it is born can be called "strong 'and" tenacious "; only the grass that." 生命開始的一瞬間就帶了鬥爭來的草,才是堅韌的草,也只有這種草,才可以傲然地對那些玻璃棚中養育著的盆花鬨笑。
  • The horses are “courageous, tenacious and overcome the difficult environment, ” a YouTube song about them says. 在Youtube上一首有關他們的歌中唱道,這匹馬“勇敢、堅強,並戰勝了困難的環境”。
  • There is little doubt that American consumers have proven they are far more tenacious than their melancholic European peers. 毋庸置疑,美國消費者明顯遠比憂鬱的歐洲同胞來得堅韌。
  • Rated as one of the best full-backs in Europe, he also has pace in abundance and has been described as a 'tenacious tackler'. 作為歐洲戰場上數一數二的後衛,他還擁有出眾的速度和意識,被譽為“頑強的防守者”。
  • But Mr Assad's tenacious immobility has proved a winning course overall, reinforcing Syria's centrality to regional issues. 但是,巴沙爾的堅若磐石總體上還是為他贏得了勝券,並加強了敘利亞在地區問題上的中心低位。
  • Germany is a helpful, though somewhat exacting friend, that she is a tight and tenacious bargainer, and a most disagreeable antagonist. 德國是有用的朋友,不過有些強求——她是步步緊逼、固執頑強的討價還價者;是最難相處的對手。
  • That changed at the French Open, where the flat-hitting, tenacious Pavlyuchenkova upset Vera Zvonareva to advance to a first quarterfinal. 這一切在法國網球公開賽改變了,頑強的帕芙柳琴科娃用平擊球打敗了茲沃娜列娃打進了她第一個四分之一決賽。


