



  • 外文名:studiously
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈstjuːdiəsli]
  • 美式發音:[ˈstuːdiəsli]


英 [ˈstjuːdiəsli] 美 [ˈstuːdiəsli]
adv. 故意地;好學地;注意地


observe studiously 用心地觀察
round studiously 小心繞行
tear studiously 小心撕扯
pore studiously 專心地沉思
total studiously 小心計算出
inspect studiously 小心視察
studiously y 故意地
light studiously 小心地點火
construct studiously 小心地組成


  • They studiously avoided each other. 他們故意避開對方。
  • He studiously avoided answering the question. 他刻意不去回答那個問題。
  • When I looked at Clive, he studiously avoided my eyes. 當我朝克萊夫看去時,他刻意避開了我的視線。
  • His expression remained studiously blank. 他的表情仍是那種故作茫然狀。
  • But Mr Dee studiously avoids such easy cliches. 但迪先生刻意避開這樣的陳詞濫調。
  • All those things which I so studiously knew nothing about. 儘管我對所有這一切一無所知。
  • The boys desks are at the base of the studio, where they can studiously work. 孩子們的課桌布置在工作室的一層,在那裡他們可以專心工作。
  • I detected in myself a feeling of hatred, which I studiously strove to overcome. 我自己心中忽然產生一種徒然力圖克服的對他的仇恨。
  • This is not a hypothetical situation. I have studiously avoided tipping him for a solid month now. 這不是假設情況,我已經有一整月故意躲著不給他小費了。
  • It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual institution corporation product or service. 它是一份專心製作的個人、機構、公司、產品或服務的個性輪廓圖。
  • Others, however, contributed funds and good wishes while remaining studiously ignorant of Brown's exact plans. 其他一些人則為布朗募資和祝福,故意不去深究布朗的確切計畫。
  • Amusing some cow person QQ echelon design design: Studies studiously for ten years, was inferior that chats Q for a half year. 好玩的某牛人QQ分組設計圖案:用功讀書十年,不如聊q半年。
  • In 1998 and 1999, studiously bearish investors questioned stock market valuations and called the run-up in stocks unsustainable. 1998和1999年,敬業的熊向投資者懷疑股市的估值,並且把股市的抬高叫做看不懂。
  • He seemed studiously to seek out all the tender spots in her consciousness so as to inflict on her the cruellest wounds possible. 他仿佛極力挑剔她的各種弱點,儘量殘酷地從精神上折磨她。
  • Proper cleaning takes into account original materials and finishes. It studiously avoids damaging original materials and finishes. 合適的清理需要考慮原來的材質和拋光,並刻意的避免損壞。
  • China must studiously learn this lesson and ensure that the well-being of innocent parties is protected, even in the face of huge economic powers. 中國應該認真吸取這個教訓,確保無辜群體的福祉得到保護,哪怕面對的是巨大的經濟權力。
  • Largely for "spiritual reasons," Nancy Manos started home-schooling her children five years ago and has studiously avoided public schools ever since. 主要是由於“精神方面的原因”,南希·馬諾斯五年前開始自己在家裡教育孩子,並從此以後有意避開公立學校。
  • The take away message was that you learned from that experience and have compensated for those weaknesses by being humble and by working more studiously at your chosen craft. 重點是,你汲取了教訓,不再自大,並通過更加勤奮的學習,彌補了自己在成績上的不足。
  • For the rest of our conversation, Kalej studiously avoided criticizing the deal, often leaning forward and rocking slightly with his hands clasped before his face as he weighed his words. 在談話的餘下時候,卡勒傑刻意避免批評這些項目,他在斟酌用詞時,往往身體前傾,輕輕搖擺,雙手緊扣擱在臉前。
  • Most of the proposals we argue about so ferociously will have only marginal effects on how we live, especially compared with the ethnic, regional and social differences that we so studiously ignore. 我們那么激烈所爭論的大多數提案將對我們的生活方式只有很微小的影響,尤其是與我們如此特意所忽視的種族的、地區的和社會的差異相比。


