- 中文名:用功的,專心的
- 外文名:studious
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈstjuːdiəs]
- 美式發音:[ˈstuːdiəs]
STUDIOUS是內地首家高能級門店。華為是最高級別MSC門店。BAKE是來自日本北海道的芝士蛋撻品牌,北京首店。商場特點 地面廣場打破綠地公園與商業賣場的邊界,24小時免費開放。下沉區域,超過20家首店和全新能級的概念店及潮流品牌,重塑核心區...
[diligent in study;be devoted to study;studious] 專心好學 其為人篤學強記,恭儉孝友。——宋·蘇軾《邵茂誠詩集敘》發展史 綜合了全國所有大學的大學生網站,網站涉及了體育快訊、笑話、數碼導購、女性時尚、交友、出遊、同鄉聚會、...
Coach Huang Xinyu is a young intellectuals,studious,in the past 10 years, he has participated in the study from the professional skills to the occupation qualification,from Ancient Chinese Literature Search to mind science ...
《拉克斯的魔幻旅程》是2017年Joshua Wassung導演的一部微電影。劇情簡介 Jonas and Amy are two twins who couldn't be more different and sharing a small bedroom means free-spirited Amy and studious Jonas can’t help but ...
主案設計師HAMPUS BERNHOFF曾為瑞典時裝品牌ACNE STUDIOUS前設計總監,對色彩、搭配以及珠寶設計有著清冽的感知。將東方匠人哲學與西方現代設計交融,人對大自然和生命的態度以及愛與生活的感知聯結,或具象或抽象地凝於珠寶美學設計中,賦予...
Su Qin strived to study no matter how hard it was. He finally became the prime minister of six states. This picturebook shows his studious and tells people if one wants to get success, one must be perseverant and ...
Yan Hui was a studious and modest student of Confucius; even in hard times he kept learning and thus won the praise of Confucius. This picturebook shows his merits of persistence and diligence.作者簡介 馬邦城,1950年...
consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious ...
with two purposes in mind. The first is to commemorate Prof. King-Lai Hiong; the second is to encourage ourselves and all others, both young and middle -aged, in endeavouring to increase professionalism , studiousness...