- 外文名:stroboscopic
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈstroʊbəˈskɑːpɪk]
- 釋義:頻閃觀測儀的
根據JGJ/T119《建築照明術語標準》定義,頻閃效應(Stroboscopic effect)是在以一定頻率變化的光照射下,使人們觀察到的物體運動顯現出不同於其實際運動的現象。頻閃效應是由光源的閃爍而引起的,閃爍(Flicker)是因亮度或光譜分布隨時間波動的光刺激引起的不穩定的視覺現象。簡而言之,頻閃效應是在以一定頻率變化的光線...
動景錯覺 動景錯覺(stroboscopic illusion)是似動知覺的一種。對斷續呈現的一個動作產生連續感覺的一種視覺運動錯覺。運用似動知覺的原理,雖然呈現的是一系列不同時相的斷續動作畫面,但看到的卻是連續的活動景象。有的學者認為,它是屬於知覺水平上的錯覺,可發生在較大刺激距離和刺激間隔。
一場頻閃攝影的冒險(Stroboscopic Adventures)外來發光體(Luminous Installations)當電路遇上面土(Squishy Circuits)電子立體書 (Electronic Popables)奇幻服飾 (Wondrous Wearables)科技羊毛氈(Felted Tech)五個字以內 (Five Words or Less)鐵絲作品 (Wire Works)寵物還是食物 (Pet or Meat)動畫電子生物 ...
strobotron,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“頻閃放電管;頻閃管”。短語搭配 strobotron circuit 頻閃管電路 strobotron tube 頻閃放電管 單詞釋義 頻閃管 ...stroboscopictechnique頻閃技術strobotron頻閃管stroke1行程,衝程2撞擊3筆劃...[電子]頻閃放電管 ...strobotac閃頻轉速計,頻閃測速計strobotron有...
31.Lin MJ, Chen X, Cai CB, Cai SH, Chen Z. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy in unstable and inhomogeneous fields via stroboscopic acquisition. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 79(1):112-117 (2011).32.Lin MJ, Chen X, Cai CB, Chen Z. High-resolution ...
Compton polarimeter 庫普頓偏振計 ; 康普頓偏振計 ; 詳細翻譯 Mitcherlich polarimeter 密切里希偏振計 Sénarmont polarimeter 塞拿蒙偏振計 disc polarimeter 圓盤旋光儀 versatile polarimeter 綜合偏振測量裝置 Senarmont polarimeter 塞拿蒙偏振計 ultramicro polarimeter 超微量偏振計 stroboscopic polarimeter 頻閃儀式偏振計 ...
Hu Xiaodong, Hu Chunguang, Chen Zhi, Guo Tong, Hu, Xiaotang, Measuring in-plane and out-of-plane coupled motions of microstructures by stroboscopic microscopic interferometry, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol.39, No.6, 1176-1182, 2007.胡曉東,齊浩,劉鋼,胡春光,胡小唐,基於傅立葉干涉法的微...
6.6 頻閃照明全息干涉術(Holographic Interferometry with Stroboscopic Illumination)6.7 全息等高線術(Holographic Contour Method)6.8 反射照明全息圖的計算(Calculation of Reflective Illumination Hologram)6.9 數字全息干涉術(Digital Holographic Interferometry)6.10 全息干涉術的套用(Application of Holographic...
12. Qican Zhang, Xianyu Su, Yiping Cao, etc. An optical 3-D shape and deformation measurement for rotating blade using stroboscopic structured illumination. Optical Engineering. 2005, 44(11), 113601.13. Qican Zhang, Xianyu Su. An optical measurement of vortex shape at a free surface...
Hu Xiaodong, Hu Chunguang, Chen Zhi, Guo Tong, Hu, Xiaotang, Measuring in-plane and out-of-plane coupled motions of microstructures by stroboscopic microscopic interferometry, Optics and Laser Technology, 39(6), 1176-1182, 2007 Fang FZ, Wu H, Zhou W, Hu XT, A study on mechanism of ...
[2] Kong-Ming Guo, Jun Jiang.Stochastic sensitivity analysis of periodic attractors in nonautonomous nonlinear dynamical systems based on stroboscopic map. Physics Letters A, 2014,[3] 郭空明,江俊.Hénon映射的噪聲誘導間歇現象及其臨界值估算研究.物理學報. 2014,[4] 郭空明,江俊.懸臂Kagome夾心板獨立模態...
La luna stroboscopica oh yee oh no Che incanta i marinai La costellazione dell'addio La vergine che passa su di noi Balliamoci la vita amore mio Domani non ci sei Con me domani non ci sei Il cielo della vergine Che passa su di noi La luna stroboscopica Che incanta i marinai E...
¶ Featured in Nature Methods News and Views: Robert M. Glaeser (2013) Stroboscopic imaging of macromolecular complexes. Nature Methods 10, 475-476.¶ Featured in Nature Methods: Method of the Year 2013.¶ Featured in Science: Martin T.J. Smith and John L. Rubinstein (2014), Beyond ...
《E le bionde sono tinte》是Sergio Caputo演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Cocktail》。歌曲歌詞 Sono senza sigarette Il pianista non fuma E le bionde sono tinte Anche sotto la luna Sono senza sigarette E una storia è finita Ho mangiato la foglia E non l'ho ancora digerita Effetti stroboscopici Del ...
Luci stroboscopiche Ti vedo non ti vedo Curve che si muovono Mi siedo se no cado Le tue unghie rosse Cercano il pacchetto Dentro nella borsa tra la Cipria ed il rossetto Poi ne sfili una L'accendi piano piano Chiudi gli occhi un attimo Avvolta da quel fumo Tutti qui ti osserva...