- 外文名:stingy
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈstɪndʒi]
- 美式發音:[ˈstɪndʒi]
stingy /ˈstɪndʒɪ/ ( stingier, stingiest )
stingy /ˈstɪŋɪ/
1.ADJ If you describe someone as stingy, you are criticizing them for being unwilling to spend money. 吝嗇的 [非正式]
1.ADJ stinging or capable of stinging 有刺的; 刺人的 [非正式]
Stingy person 鐵公雞 ; 小氣的人
be stingy 吝惜 ; 分斤搿兩
Stingy Mammon 小氣大財神
stingy y 吝嗇的
stingy ghosts 小氣鬼的
stingy bastard 小氣鬼
Stingy ghost 摳門鬼 ; 小氣鬼
stingy employer 吝嗇的僱主
Stingy Extremely 小氣至極
- 1Don't be so stingy!不要那么吝嗇!《新英漢大辭典》
- 2The West is stingy with aid.西方在援助上很吝嗇。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3Matt was very stingy and hated spending money.麥特很吝嗇,討厭花錢。
- 4The days of Chelsea's stingy defence are long gone.切爾西密不透風的防守一去不復返。
- 5Out of fatigue and exhaustion, I shouted him stingy words.忘記了疲倦和筋疲力盡,我對他大聲喊罵。
- 6At home, if you are stingy, you can spend $2 on a tasty lunch.在家裡,如果你很吝嗇,你只花2美元就可以享受一份美味的午餐了。
- 7People whose houses face demolition complain about stingy compensation.那些可能面臨房屋拆遷問題的人就抱怨補償金太少。
- 8The second News Corporation is strategic and hard-nosed, bordering on stingy.第二個新聞集團講究戰略、注重實際,近乎吝嗇。
- 9Scientists have pinpointed a stretch of DNA that makes people stingy with their cash.科學家已經精確地定位了一段DNA,這段DNA使得人們對他們的金錢很吝嗇。
- 10Encouragement also needs to be regular - don't be stingy with your encouragement.也需要經常鼓勵他人,不要吝惜。
- 11On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of all living things, the redwood, thrives.在這些吝嗇的雨水替代物的滋養下,萬物茁壯生長。
- 12But in a market as stingy as the one we've endured since 2000, below-average results really hurt.然而如果遇到像2000年那么低迷的股市,我想低於平均水平的結果的確十分令人痛心。
- 13There once was a beggar, and in his home town there lived a millionaire. But that person was very, very stingy!從前有個乞丐,在他的鎮上住著一位很有錢的富翁,但是這個富翁非常、非常吝嗇,他把所有的財物都鎖在柜子里,或挖地洞藏起來,沒有人知道藏在哪裡,甚至連他自己也搞不清楚 ,這樣他就不會把它花掉!
- 14Denise knows she might sound almost pathologically stingy, but the Winstons have saved enough money to buy a plane.丹尼斯知道她可能聽起來近乎病態的吝嗇,但是溫斯頓夫婦卻攢了足夠的錢買一架飛機。
- 15Corporations have been stingy on upgrading their workers' personal computers, a trend Intel is now seeing reverse.企業一直吝於升級其雇員的個人計算機(PC),英特爾正在看到一種改變的趨勢。
- 16They should be kind enough to mentor younger scientists, but stingy enough with their time to be able to manage it well.他們應該友好地指導年輕的科學家,但對自己的時間足夠吝嗇,以便管理好時間。
- 17Dr Bell confirmed that pups made more noise with generous carers, and less with carers that were stingy or likely to be so.他發現幼崽會跟大方的看護者吵鬧得厲害,而很少去找小氣的看護者或者有可能小氣的看護者。
- 18The Numbers represent a sharp turnaround for a program that many companies had complained was too stingy with its visas.這些數字表明,該簽證項目出現極大轉變。而以前很多公司還抱怨,簽證難求。
- 19Because being mean could be in their genes. Scientists have pinpointed a stretch of DNA that makes people stingy with their cash.因為為人吝嗇可能是由他們的基因決定的。科學家已經精確地定位了一段DNA,這段DNA使得人們對他們的金錢很吝嗇。
- 20Universities have been told to cut back too, with already-stingy plans to cover 15,000 extra undergraduate places cut to just 10,000.大學也被通知要削減人員,計畫額外招收1.5萬名大學生的數目已經很少了,但還是要縮減到1萬名。
- 21Universities have been told to cut back too, with already-stingy plans to cover 15, 000 extra undergraduate places cut to just 10, 000.大學也被通知要削減人員,計畫額外招收1.5萬名大學生的數目已經很少了,但還是要縮減到1萬名。
- 22Siyu had wished to be a companion for Professor Dai in her old age, and her wish would now be granted, an unexpected gift from a stingy life.思玉曾希望在戴教授老年時成為她的一個伴,現在她的希望實現了,這是在她並不豐足的人生中得到的意想不到的禮物。
- 23Unlike stingy private-sector publishers these days, they have indulged in such rarities as a proper index, footnotes, bibliography and colour plates.和現在的吝嗇的私有出版社不同,英國國家圖書館力求在這些稀有物件如正確的圖示,腳註,自傳以及彩色版上做到最好。
- 24According to Mr Truex, a rich man should choose his bride from a country with a stingy divorce law, such as Sweden or France, and marry her there.特魯克斯認為,富人娶妻要到離婚法不太完備的國家去找,比如瑞典或法國,並且就在那裡成婚。