



  • 外文名:steadfastly
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈstedfɑːstli]
  • 美式發音:[ˈstedfæstli]


support steadfastly 堅定地支持
Stand Steadfastly 巍然不動
refuse steadfastly 堅定地拒絕
fix steadfastly 堅定地安排
contend steadfastly 堅定地鬥爭
steadfastly E 堅定地
steadfastly U 堅定地
steadfastly ȵ 踏實地


  • 1She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief.她始終堅持她的孫子們是無辜的,沒有什麼能改變她的這一信念。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I advise you to do it steadfastly.我建議你踏實不變地這樣去做。
  • 3But he steadfastly denied any intentional wrongdoing.但他堅決否認曾有任何不良企圖。
  • 4Sleep in order to work steadfastly, work is to sleep.睡覺是為了踏實地工作,工作是為了踏實睡覺。
  • 5This newspaper has argued steadfastly for the right of Israel to exist.本報毫不動搖地為以色列擁有存在的權利據理力爭。
  • 6But if you work steadfastly at it, you can work a way round your problems.但如果你工作,堅定不移地為它,你可以抓過來你的問題。
  • 7But we will continue steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the word.但我們要堅定持續的禱告,並盡話語的職事。
  • 8Syria has steadfastly denied U.S. allegations about the purpose of the facility.敘利亞堅決否認美國對該設施用途的指稱。
  • 9Ms Winfrey has steadfastly refused to take her company public, as Ms Stewart did.溫芙蕾女士堅決拒絕讓自己的公司上市,和斯圖爾特一樣。
  • 10India (a much smaller polluter) has steadfastly resisted binding targets for poor countries.印度(一個小得多的污染者)堅定不移的抵制對貧窮國家的指標限制。
  • 11The modeling styles of orthodox academic school steadfastly construct the narrative space.正統學院派的造型形式,沉穩地構架起敘事空間場景。
  • 12Beautiful fantasy than steadfastly doing things, as long as the start, even if it's late again later.美麗的空想比不上踏實地做事,只要開始行動,就算再晚也不遲。
  • 13Many of its glaciers are steadfastly retreating due to rising temperatures and declining precipitation.由於氣溫升高和降水量減少,它的許多冰川正在持續消融。
  • 14Procrastination, we are taught from an early age, is a bad thing, and a habit to be steadfastly avoided.按我們小時候接受的教育,拖延症是不好的,我們要堅決避免養成這個壞習慣。
  • 15This movie should be both magnificent and intelligent, but, above all, it should be steadfastly constructive.這部電影應該是宏偉和智慧型的,但最重要的,應該是它堅定不移地建設性。
  • 16Though the king was unhappy about the speech, he steadfastly backed Bismarck and would do so in subsequent conflicts.儘管國王聽到這次演講並不高興,但是在此後的衝突中堅定不移地支持俾斯麥。
  • 17Whether you're steadfastly single or joyfully coupled up, chances are you have a thing or two to learn about love.不管你是堅定的單身主義者,還是處於甜蜜戀愛中,關於愛情,你都可能有一兩件事要學習。
  • 18When his servant entered, he looked at him steadfastly and wondered if he had thought of peering behind the screen.僕人進來的時候,他目不轉睛地盯著他,想知道他曾否想過向屏風后面窺視。
  • 19China has steadfastly honored all obligations prescribed in international conventions and treaties to which it is a party.中國堅定不移地承擔她所參加的國際公約和條約所賦予的義務。
  • 20In the search for longevity it seemed to me that this steadfastly bright disposition was even more important than good genes.在尋找長壽之旅中我發現這種堅定的開朗性格比好的基因更為重要。
  • 21The vast majority of new Republicans made campaign promises to drastically cut federal spending and steadfastly oppose any tax hikes.新當選的大多數共和黨人都曾作出大幅度削減聯邦開支以及堅決反對任何增稅的競選承諾。
  • 22We proclaim it not because we know exactly how God will work out his justice and mercy—for this he has steadfastly refused to reveal.我們傳揚不是因為我們清楚知道上帝會讓他的正義和mercy-for他一直堅決拒絕透露。
  • 23It's quite another to remain steadfastly upbeat on a slushy winter day when your car's broken down, and your blood sugar is too high.然而,再構想,如遇在一個泥濘的冬日,愛車在路上拋錨,自身血糖也飆升,這樣如能再保持開心樂觀的心情卻恐怕難得。
  • 24China has steadfastly attended multilateral negotiations on arms control and disarmament, and some related international conferences.中國積極參加多邊軍控與裁軍談判及相關國際會議。
  • 25The new catalogue raisonné supports this claim; Leonard Lauder steadfastly rejects it, saying he has evidence proving his legitimate ownership.這套新的全集表明這副作品屬於克利姆特;但萊納德•勞德對此表示堅定的回絕,他說他有足夠的證據來證明他的合法所有權。


