- 外文名:solderable
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈsɑːldərəbəl]
- 釋義:可軟焊的
solderable nickel 可焊性鎳
Solderable quality 可焊性
solderable coating 可焊性鍍層 ; 可焊處理層
solderable coatings 可焊性鍍層
easily solderable 材料可焊性較好 ; 易於錫焊 ; 引腳易於錫焊
solderable magnet wire 直焊性電磁線
Organic Solderable Preserve 有機保焊劑
bonding solderable enamelled wire 自粘直焊漆包線
solderable polyesterimide enameled round 直焊性聚醯亞胺漆包銅圓線
You can omit the thermal reliefs when the plane is quite small, but be careful because the pin may be hardly solderable if the plane is too large.在電鍍面很小時也可以不用限熱槽,但是電鍍面很大時就需要小心,因為此時不容易焊接。
The places to which components will be mounted are typically plated, because bare copper oxidizes quickly, and therefore is not readily solderable.在組件將會安裝通常鍍銅,因為生氧化快,因此不容易電鍍面很大。
When solder bumps (22) on the die are reflowed, the fluxing agent ACTS to remove any oxides present on the solderable surfaces of the substrate or the die.當管芯上的焊料突點(22)被回流時,該助焊劑的作用是清除基板或管芯的可焊接表面上存在的任何氧化物。