smith cho,美籍亞裔演員,曾經出演過《壞小子2(Bad Boys 2)》。
- 中文名:smith cho
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:聖克拉拉(美國加州)
- 出生日期:11月 26日
- 性別:女

她曾經出演過《壞小子2(Bad Boys 2)》、《我老婆是巨無霸(Norbit)》、《Pie in the Sky》、《冰刀雙人組(Blades of Glory)》等影片,還主演過《桌球世家(Ping Pong Playa)》。她在電視劇上也有大量的角色飾演,包括《埃米莉的道理(Emily's Reasons Why Not)》。她在NBC的新劇《霹靂遊俠2008》出演角色Zoe Chae。
"100 Questions" .... Leslie (6 episodes, 2010)
- Have You Ever Had a One-Night Stand? (2010) TV episode .... Leslie
- Wayne? (2010) TV episode .... Leslie
- Have You Ever Dated a Bad Boy? (2010) TV episode .... Leslie
- Are You Romantic? (2010) TV episode .... Leslie
- Are You Open Minded? (2010) TV episode .... Leslie(1 more)
"Knight Rider"(霹靂遊俠) .... Zoe Chae (14 episodes, 2008-2009)
... aka K.R. (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Knight Rider: The Series (USA: promotional title)
- I Love the Knight Life (2009) TV episode .... Zoe Chae
- Exit Light, Enter Knight (2009) TV episode .... Zoe Chae
- Knight to King's Pawn (2009) TV episode .... Zoe Chae
- Day Turns Into Knight (2009) TV episode .... Zoe Chae
- Don't Stop the Knight (2009) TV episode .... Zoe Chae
(9 more)
Fired Up (2009) .... Beth
The Slammin' Salmon (2009) .... Japanese Translator
... aka Broken Lizard's the Slammin' Salmon (USA)
"Emily's Reasons Why Not" .... Glitter Cho (6 episodes, 2006-2008)
- Why Not to Hire a Cute Male Assistant (2008) TV episode .... Glitter Cho
- Why Not to Cheat on Your Best Friend (2008) TV episode .... Glitter Cho
- Why Not to Date Your Gynocologist (2008) TV episode .... Glitter Cho
- Why Not to Date a Twin (2008) TV episode .... Glitter Cho
- Pilot (2006) TV episode .... Glitter Cho
(1 more)
Say Goodnight (2008) .... Angela
Meet Dave (2008) .... Lieutenant Left Leg
The Last Lullaby (2008) .... Connie
Ping Pong Playa (2007) .... Jennifer
"Entourage" .... Chloe (1 episode, 2007)
- The Resurrection (2007) TV episode .... Chloe
Blades of Glory (2007) .... Woodland Fairie
Norbit (2007) .... Ex-Wife
"Rules of Engagement" .... Sarah (1 episode, 2007)
- Pilot (2007) TV episode .... Sarah
The World According to Barnes (2007) (TV) .... Jennifer Lim
The Hill (2007) (TV) .... Cheyenne
Superman Returns (2006) (VG) (voice) .... Various
"Just for Kicks" (1 episode, 2006)
- I'll Cry if I Want To (2006) TV episode
She Said/He Said (2006) (TV)
"House M.D." .... Julia (1 episode, 2005)
... aka House (South Africa: English title) (USA: short title)
- Histories (2005) TV episode .... Julia
"Crossing Jordan" .... Female Fencer (1 episode, 2004)
- Necessary Risks (2004) TV episode (uncredited) .... Female Fencer
"Summerland" .... Assistant (1 episode, 2004)
- Kicking and Screaming (2004) TV episode .... Assistant
"Faking the Video" (2004) TV series .... Wardrobe Mistress
"Dragnet" .... Marla (1 episode, 2004)
... aka L.A. Dragnet (USA: new title)
- Abduction (2004) TV episode .... Marla
"Karen Sisco" .... Chrissy (1 episode, 2004)
- Dog Day Sisco (2004) TV episode .... Chrissy
Outpost (2004) (V) .... Smith
"Becker" .... Victoria (1 episode, 2003)
- A First Class Flight (2003) TV episode .... Victoria
"Boston Public" .... Sandy (1 episode, 2003)
- Chapter Seventy-Two (2003) TV episode .... Sandy
"Gilmore Girls" .... Girl #1 (1 episode, 2003)
... aka Gilmore Girls: Beginnings (USA: rerun title)
- The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles (2003) TV episode .... Girl #1
Bad Boys II (2003) (uncredited) .... Customer in electronic store
... aka Good Cops: Bad Boys II (Malaysia: English title)
"Six Feet Under" .... Art Student #1 (1 episode, 2003)
- The Opening (2003) TV episode .... Art Student #1
"ER" .... Woo (1 episode, 2003)
- Finders Keepers (2003) TV episode .... Woo