- 外文名:shaped
- 詞性:形容詞、及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ʃeɪpt]
- 美式發音:[ʃeɪpt]
kidney-shaped kidney-shaped是一個英語單詞。kidney-shaped adj. 腎形的kidney-shaped 腎形的
shaped and unshaped 定型和不定型 Unshaped refractory material 不定型材料 雙語例句 In visual quality, the algorithm is better than the traditional unshaped mask method, histogram equalization method.算法在視覺質量上優於傳統的反...
2.N something that is badly shaped 奇形怪狀 雙語例句 By comparison, it is easy to find a bulge on the shoulder of clothes and misshape of collar when using common hanger.相比之下,使用普通衣架很容易看到肩部有突起,...
《Heart Shaped Locket》是Brothers Osborne演唱的歌曲,由TJ Osborne、Lisa Carver、Andi Zack作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《Pawn Shop》。歌曲歌詞 Sun's goin down and I'm just hearin' bout you 太陽落山時我聽說 Goin out with ...
It's amazing how many shapes an open lunchbox on a checkered tablecloth can reveal; from a round orange to oval halves of a hard-boiled egg (with round yolks) to a rectangular thermos to star- and heart-shaped co...
《The Analysis of Irregular Shaped Structures Diaphragms and Shear Walls》是2011年10月出版的圖書,作者是Malone, R. Terry、Rice, Robert、Rice, Robert。內容簡介 A Complete Guide to Solving Lateral Load Path Problems The ...
《Research on egg-shaped pressure hulls of deep ma》是一本圖書。內容簡介 本專著面向深海科技發展急需、重大專項和技術領先方向,緊密圍繞深海耐壓殼裝備設計理論與套用技術這個核心主題,針對現有球形結構存在缺陷敏感性高、水動力學特性...
《Odd-Shaped Balls》是2005年11月出版的圖書,作者是Scally John。媒體推薦 "'Will bring a smile to the face of any rugby fan who feels the modern game has become too serious' - Irish Examiner""'Easy to read . . ....
The Recession of 1973–75 can be considered a U-shaped recession. In early 1973 the economy began to shrink and continued to decline or have very low growth for nearly two years. After bumping along the bottom, the ...
異形柱(specially shaped column)是異形截面柱的簡稱。這裡所謂“異形截面”,是指柱截面的幾何形狀與常用普通的矩形截面相異而言。異形柱截面幾何形狀為L形、T形和十字形,且截面各肢的肢高肢厚比不大於4的柱。概念 異形柱是指在...
Y型斷裂體系(Y shaped fracture system)是平面上呈Y型的三組斷裂所組成的斷裂體系。上部兩組斷裂多具剪下性質,Y型斷裂體系下部一組斷裂多具拉張性質,共同構成剪下—拉張的斷裂組合。其形成條件是一端不易滑動,即上部邊界條件不如...
shapable,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“樣子好的;可成形的”。短語搭配 dobule-shapable splint 雙塑形夾板 雙語例句 Method Reconstruction plate, shapable Titanic plate, t - shaped plate and Y - shaped plate ...
a short shaped face, charming; beautiful; delicate 康熙字典 䆯【午集下】【穴部】康熙筆畫:16畫部外筆畫:11畫 《集韻》張滑切,音窡。短面也。又乎刮切,音姡。又張刮切。義同。又《篇海》嬌姿也。說文解字 䆯【卷...