- 外文名:sensitise
- 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
- 發音:['sensitaiz]
- 釋義:使敏感(等於sensitize)|變得敏感(等於sensitize)
sensitiser sensitiser,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“感光劑(等於sensitizer)”。短語搭配 photochemical sensitiser 光化學敏化劑 insulin sensitiser 增敏藥 color sensitiser 色敏化劑 同近義詞 photosensitizer
photosensitise photosensitise,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,動詞,用作名詞譯為“光敏劑”,用作動詞譯為“使具有感光性,使光敏”。網路釋義 使感動地emotively 使感光photosensitise 使感光不足underexpose 短語搭配 photosensitise ink 光敏油墨
Ise800 Ise800是禾本科、狗尾草屬種質。形態特徵 原產地 國際半乾旱研究所。
Ise-62 Ise-62是禾本科、狗尾草屬種質。形態特徵 保存單位 中國農科院作物品種資源研究所。
hyposensitize,英語單詞,主要用作為動詞,用作動詞譯為“消除過敏;減弱…的敏感度”。單詞釋義 hypo- ==下、低、次、少 hyposensitize減弱.敏感度 hypodermic皮下的 單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 hyposensitize (also hyposensitise)1. V to desensitize; render less sensitive 使脫敏; 使敏感性減低 ...
脫敏現象(Desensitise)狗(Dogs)E 嘔吐(Emesis)安樂死(Euthanasia)興奮(Excitement)F 墜落(Falling)恐懼性攻擊(Fear aggression)鬥毆(Fighting)跟隨(Following)G 問候(Greeting)梳理(Grooming)H 愛家天性(Hominginstinct)順勢療法(Homeopathy)家庭訓練(House—training)I 室內如廁(Indoor toilefing)...
2. Wang, J.; You, M.; Zhu, G.; Shukoor, M. I.; Chen, Z.; Zhao, Z.; Altman, M. B.; Yuan, Q.; Zhu, Z.; Chen, Y.; Huang, C. Z.*; Tan, W.* Photosensitiser-Gold Nanorods Composite for Targeted Multimodal Therapy. Small 2013, 9, 3678-3684. (IF= 7.514)3. Wang,...
22. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He , Yufei Hu, Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Determination of Polyhydroxy Phenols in the Presence of Rhodamine B as a Sensitiser, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 2003, 48: 959-966.23. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He, Yufei Hu, Flow Injection ...
Desensitise Stand up Direct feed in through your eyes But now you're looking the wrong way Why play not wanting anymore The first bite's the best So you leave the rest Lying face down like a razor Lying Good evening clapper loader You should override the writer Making stories fold Becau...
22. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He , Yufei Hu, Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Determination of Polyhydroxy Phenols in the Presence of Rhodamine B as a Sensitiser, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 2003, 48: 959-966.23. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He, Yufei Hu, Flow Injection ...
Becomes Again and Again 《Becomes Again and Again》是由Discharge演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Disensitise》中。
2. CHENG G; HAO G; KENNEY ME; LI Y, and WU H , inventors. Manufacture of silicon phthalocyanine(s) and naphthalocyanine(s) useful as photosensitisers and dyes - comprises reacting metal-free phthalocyanine or naphthalocyanine with silicon core precursor then with water and extracting. UNIV ...
He-Qi Zheng,# Xing-Hao He,# Yong-Nian Zeng, Wei-Hua Qiu, Jin Chen, Gao-Juan Cao, Rong-Guang Lin, Zu-JinLin*, and Banglin Chen*, Boosting the photoreduction activity of Cr(VI) in metal-organic frameworks by photosensitiser incorporation and framework ionization, Journal of materials ...