- 外文名:self-worth
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[ˌself ˈwɜːrθ]
英 [ˌself ˈwɜːθ] 美 [ˌself ˈwɜːrθ]
n. 自我價值;自尊;自負
self-worth theory 自我價值理論 ; 卡芬頓自我價值論
achieve self-worth 實現自身價值
feeling of self-worth 自我價值感 ; 自重感
self-worth defense 自我價值保護
high self-worth 高自我價值
self-worth orientation theory 自我價值定向理論
physical self-worth 自我價值
self-worth orientation 自我價值定向
- In addition to practical skills, Pruitt's lessons teach teamwork, encourage self-worth, and promote feelings of community. 除了實用技能,普魯伊特的課程還教授團隊合作,鼓勵自我價值,並促進社區感情。
- Old age for them, and many old Americans can mean not only the possible failure of one's health, but the loss of identity and self-worth. 對於他們,以及許多美國老年人來說,老年不僅意味著健康可能會衰退,還意味著身份和自我價值的喪失。
- The last few years have taken a toll not only on his family's finances, but also on his feelings of self-worth. 過去的幾年不僅給他的家庭帶來了經濟上的損失,也給他的自我價值感帶來了負面影響。
- Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth, a major study warned. 一項重大研究警告稱,10歲的孩子開始依賴社交媒體來獲得自我價值感。
- Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships, their predominance can bolster individuals' sense of self-worth. 由於前者在那些傾向於淡漠關係的人群中最為常見,它們的優勢可以增強個體的自我價值感。
- As a result of that discrepancy between the privileges they feel they're owed and their inflated sense of self-worth, they don't work as hard for their employer. 由於他們覺得自己應得的特權和膨脹的自我價值感之間存在差異,他們不會為僱主努力工作。
- Follow-up studies have found that those who chose to delay satisfaction are now more academically successful, have greater self-worth, and even tend to be healthier. 後續研究發現,那些選擇推遲滿足的孩子現在在學業上更成功,有強烈的自我價值感,甚至往往更健康。
- Using this "interactive leadership" approach, women encourage participation, share power and information, enhance other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work. 婦女使用這種“互動式領導”方法,可以鼓勵人們參與,分享權力和信息,增強他人的自我價值,並使其他人對自己的工作感到興奮。
- And our data suggest it's ultimately about self-worth. 我們的數據表明,其最終關係到自我價值的體現。
- Did you have a childhood that led you to doubt your self-worth? 你是否擁有過一個導致自己懷疑自我價值的童年?
- Because God loves you, there's no need to prove your self-worth. 因為神愛著你,你的自我價值就無需證明了。
- We confuse self-worth with net worth, but they are very different. 我們總是把自我價值和淨值混為一談,但其實這兩者相差甚遠。
- You should never measure your self-worth by your relationship status. 你不該從現有關係狀態中衡量你的自身價值。
- Images can make people voluntarily give away their own power and self-worth. 觀念可以使人們自願交出自己的權力和自尊。
- And I understand that there was more going on with his self-worth than met the eye. 我也理解其自我價值的內涵要比擺在眼前的東西更豐富。
- The higher their rank, the greater their sense of happiness and self-worth would likely be. 他們的排名越高,幸福感和自我價值意識也可能越強。
- Other people can offer actionable Suggestions, but they can't be the judge of your self-worth. 別人可以給你可行的建議,但他們給不了你對自我價值的判斷。
- Other studies have linked a strong sense of self-worth with a greater ability to withstand pain. 其他研究已經證實,有強烈的自我價值意識的人,有更大的能力來承受痛苦。
- When they are able to take care of themselves or follow their routine they gain a sense of self-worth. 當他們能照顧自己或完成日常安排時,他們會獲得自我價值感。
- In all the letters I get from women, the core issue is an inability to connect and a lack of self-worth. 從收到的諸多的女士來信,我發現問題的關鍵是欠缺溝通交往能力,沒有自尊心。
- Depression can cause long periods of sadness and hopelessness, feelings of low self-worth, even physical pain. 抑鬱症可引起長期的情緒低落、絕望、自我價值感下降,甚至引起生理疼痛。
- During this existential crisis it’s important to establish a healthy sense of self-worth and maintain well-being. 這時更需要的是重新建立對自我價值的認同感。
- But one university psychologist has warned this is wreaking havoc with our self-image and undermining our sense of self-worth. 但是一位大學心理學家警告說,這種名人崇拜將會嚴重干擾我們對自我形象的認識、破壞我們的自我價值感。
- Group or individual sessions can help you get in touch with who you really are and help you to believe in your own self-worth. 小組或者個體的輔導可以幫助你了解真正的自己,並幫助你相信你的自我價值。
- There's nothing wrong with seeking love from others. Seeking ourselves, or our sense of self-worth in that love, is the problem. 從他人處獲得愛並沒有錯,但發現自我,或想從他人的愛中感受自我價值就成了問題。
- A project like this calls back the soul into a community. It brings back to even the most broken people their sense of self-worth. 而此類項目將人的心靈召回到社區,甚至能夠使最落魄的人們重新找回自我價值。
- Success is determined most fully by your happiness, your peace of mind, and your feelings of self-worth, fulfillment and joy in life. 成功感幾乎絕對是由你的幸福感、你內心的平靜感、你對自我價值的感覺、你人生中的快樂和滿足感決定的。
- The expectations you set for your children are ones that stretch their potential without unintentionally diminishing their self-worth. 您為孩子設定的期望應使其竭盡所能的發揮潛力而不可無意中削弱了其自我價值。