- 外文名:sadomasochism
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˌseɪdəʊˈmæsəkɪzəm]
- 美式發音:[ˌseɪdoʊˈmæsəkɪzəm]
性虐戀的英文為sadomasochism,是1895年由德國心理學家席蘭克·諾金(von Schrenk-Notsing)根據“虐待狂(sadism)”和“受虐狂(masochism)”兩個單詞進行變形而創造形成的。“虐待狂(sadism)”一詞源於法國作家馬奎斯·德·薩德(...
SM裝是情趣內衣的一個種類,也就是夫妻之間常常使用的BDSM服裝道具,即虐戀時扮演角色的服飾。簡述 SM裝其源於歐洲貴族,歷史年限不詳。“虐戀”這個詞英文為sadomasochism,是由施虐傾向(sadism)與受虐傾向(masochism)這兩個概念合成的...
SADOMASOCHISM ←↙↓↘→·B或D 倍返 ↓↘→·A或C 制裁之首 →↓↘·A或C 爆彈 (近身)→↘↓↙←→·A或C 踢砂 →↓↘·D 淬火 →↓↘·B 斷頭台 ↓↘→↓↘→·A或C 射殺 (近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←·A...
University in Richmond, Virginia. The band is perhaps best known for their elaborate sci-fi/horror film inspired costumes, raunchy lyrics, and graphic stage performances, which can consist of scatology, sadomasochism, ...
Once there Miki quickly discovers there is more to this school than meets the eye as she thrown headfirst into a deviant cocktail of rape, incest, group sex, sadomasochism, and Coca Cola enemas.Miki’s transformation ...
在其它問題中,他還介紹了虐戀(sadomasochism,簡寫為 SM、S-M、S/M 或 S&M)。這一概念最早是他創造的,他首次將施虐傾向(sadism)與受虐傾向(masochism)這兩個概念引進學術界,使之成為被廣泛接受和使用的概念。受虐傾向一詞...
I don't dig no sadomasochism no It just throws my life all out of rhythm Oh child honey honey child yeah I just want to treat you right now baby baby Treat you good you know I could if you let me Why you ...
《Lasting Marks》是2018年Charlie Lyne執導的紀錄片。劇情簡介 The story of sixteen homosexual men put on trial for sadomasochism in the dying days of Thatcher’s Britain and publicly humiliated by the police, the prosecution...
《某日某地席上讀某前“右派”詩有感》是當代詩人何永沂創作的一首七言絕句。作品原文 才出秦坑又頌秦,感君施暴逐時新?偶探虐戀sadomasochism知何憾,恨不橫空大寫人。作者簡介 何永沂,廣東中山小欖鎮人,一九四五年農曆七月二日...