



  • 外文名:ruinous
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈruːɪnəs]
  • 美式發音:[ˈruːɪnəs]


ruinous /ˈruːɪnəs/ TEM8
1.ADJ If you describe the cost of something as ruinous, you mean that it costs far more money than you can afford or than is reasonable. 負擔不起的; 貴得離譜的 [usu ADJ n]
2. ruinously ADV[ADV adj]
3.ADJ A ruinous process or course of action is one that is likely to lead to ruin. 毀滅性的 [usu ADJ n]
4. ruinously ADV[usu ADV -ed]


ruinous a 毀滅性的
ruinous empathy 破壞性的同理心 ; 破壞性的同情心
ruinous detail 招致毀滅的
ruinous competition 破壞性競爭 ; 毀滅性競爭
ruinous waste 廢墟
Ruinous taxes 重得離譜的稅〖足以使人破產的稅收
Ruinous Onslaught 毀滅衝擊
ruinous building 毀壞的房屋


  • 1It is magnified to a ruinous degree.它被放大到毀滅性的程度。
  • 2The decision was to prove ruinous.後來證明這個決定造成了極大的危害。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The buildings were in a ruinous state.這些建築破爛不堪。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict.該國的經濟正經受著這次衝突的毀滅性影響。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Many Americans will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.許多美國人依然會擔心其司法體系可能產生的高昂費用。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Nyiregyhazi had ruinous managers.尼萊吉哈奇有一個毀滅性的經理人。
  • 7More often it was impatience that was ruinous.更多的時候是他的耐心不足對他造成了致命的威脅。
  • 8The mismatch of assets and liabilities could be ruinous.資產與債務的失諧將是破壞性的。
  • 9This makes a repeat of ruinous wage-price spirals much less likely.這使得破壞性的工資——價格螺旋更少可能重現。
  • 10This was a perfect recipe for a runaway boom-and for a ruinous bust.這不僅是脫韁野馬般繁榮,也是破壞性蕭條的最佳途徑。
  • 11He has survived a ruinous crash and come back stronger than ever.他倖免於一次致命的車禍,沒想到康復後竟比以前更加強壯。
  • 12Another risk is that Pheu Thai's spending promises prove ruinous;另外的風險是為泰黨的支出承諾具有毀壞力;
  • 13But naive faith in regulators' powers creates ruinous false security.但是監管者的權利中天真的信仰卻帶來了具有毀滅性的虛假安全。
  • 14The lethargic pace has been ruinous for New Orleans and its hard-hit suburbs.這一遲緩的腳步給紐奧良和遭受重大破環的郊區帶來毀滅性的影響。
  • 15Excess heat raises the sugar level of grapes to potentially ruinous levels.溫度過熱提高了葡萄的含糖量,可能達到災難性的濃度。
  • 16Ruinous tariffs are easy to impose, as was discovered during the Depression.正如在經濟蕭條期間發現的,災難性很容易引起關稅的強加。
  • 17However, business lobbies say it could be ruinous if the reactors do not reopen.然而,商業遊說團認為如果所有核反應堆都不再使用,那後果將相當嚴重。
  • 18The real effects, the foundation said, would be ruinous for families and job creation.該基金會指出,真正的影響對家庭和就業來說將是破壞性的。
  • 19The pacifism of its electorally ruinous 1983 manifesto was renounced at every turn.他在選舉中提出了耗資巨大的1983宣言,其中的反戰主義多次被宣布放棄。
  • 20It does too little to prevent the epic folly of Greece's railways and other ruinous schemes.因為該計畫在防止希臘再次發生鐵路這樣的愚蠢事件和其他災難性計畫上,沒什麼作為。
  • 21Our economies are hugely interdependent and a conflict would be financially ruinous for both of us.我們的經濟相互依存度高,而一場衝突從財務上來講對我們雙方是毀滅性的。
  • 22The gold standard — which John Maynard Keynes termed a “barbarous relic” — led to ruinous deflations.約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯稱為“野蠻的遺蹟”的金本位制導致了極大的破壞性。
  • 23The flaws of "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger" are minor but many, and ruinous in the aggregate.《你將遇到一個高個的神秘人》的缺陷很小但總的來說很多且致命。
  • 24No credible strategy for fixing public finances as ruinous as Britain's can ring-fence the front-line.還沒有一個可靠策略能修正公共財政問題,以阻止其毀掉不列顛‘前線’上的圍欄。
  • 25The only way this ruinous cycle can be erased is for Congress to stop the "bs" and cut as much spending as possible.惟一能夠阻止這一毀滅性的循環持續下去的辦法是國會方面停止無謂的爭執,然後儘量減少財政支出。


