



  • 外文名:reword
  • 詞性:及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌriːˈwɜːd]
  • 美式發音:[ˌriːˈwɜːrd]


reword /riːˈwɜːd/ ( rewording, reworded, rewords )
1.V-T When you reword something that is spoken or written, you try to express it in a way that is more accurate, more acceptable, or more easily understood. 重說; 改寫; 修改措辭


restate reword 將…釋義
Reword history 重述歷史
new reword 新記錄
reword power 獎勵權力
Try once for reword 獎勵一次
Reword the question 用自己的語言重述問題
iterate restatement reword 重述
Award-reword System 獎酬制度
Effort-Reword Imbalance Questionnaire 回報失衡問卷


  • 1All right, I'll reword my question.好吧,我換個說法來問這個問題。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Reword that slightly, and you have the battle cry of half the men I dated.稍稍重組一下辭彙,我約會過的男人中起碼有一半會為他“助陣吶喊“。
  • 3This way you get an idea of what they are reading and you can reword it if needed.這樣你得到一個他們所讀的想法,你可以改寫,如果需要的。
  • 4Think of the response to what you are about to say, and decide if you need to reword your statement to be more effective.想一想你正打算說的話所引起的反應,然後確定你是否需要改口說以達到更好的效果。
  • 5Wouldn't you be wondering how your child, perfect in every other way, could suddenly become a cripple at such an early age? Now let's reword the above statement.你願意驚奇,你的孩子在其他方面非常優秀卻在如此幼年時,突然成為殘疾人嗎?
  • 6The Employee Invention System is divided into two parts Ownership System and Award-reword System, among which Ownership System of Employee Invention plays a major role.職務發明制度分為職務發明歸屬制度和職務發明獎酬制度兩部分,兩者之間,權利歸屬制度占主要地位,獎酬制度是對歸屬制度的補充。
  • 7They are regarded not only as the important task in the fields of database system and machine learning by researchers, but also as the important field which can bring large reword by businessmen.它不僅被許多研究人員看作是資料庫系統和機器學習方面一個重要的研究課題,而且被許多工商界人士看作一個能帶來巨大回報的重要領域。

