resilience(2010年Random House US出版的圖書)

resilience(2010年Random House US出版的圖書)

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《resilience》是2010年6月Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Elizabeth Edwards。


  • 外文名:resilience 
  • 作者:Elizabeth Edwards
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780767931564


The bestselling author of Saving Graces shares herinspirational message on the challenges and blessings of copingwith adversity.
She’s one of the most beloved political figures in the country,and on the surface, seems to have led a charmed life. In many ways,she has. Beautiful family. Thriving career. Supportive friendship.Loving marriage. But she’s no stranger to adversity. Many know ofthe strength she had shown after her son, Wade, was killed in afreak car accident when he was only sixteen years old. She wouldexhibit this remarkable grace and courage again when the veryprivate matter of her husband's infidelity became public fodder.And her own life has been on the line. Days before the 2004presidential election—when her husband John was running for vicepresident—she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After rounds ofsurgery, chemotherapy, and radiation the cancer went away—only toreoccur in 2007.
While on the campaign trail, Elizabeth met many others who havehad to contend with serious adversity in their lives, and inResilience, she draws on their experiences as well as her own,crafting an unsentimental and ultimately inspirational meditationon the gifts we can find among life’s biggest challenges. Thisshort, powerful, pocket-sized inspirational book makes an idealgift for anyone dealing with difficulties in their life, who canfind peace in knowing they are not alone, and promise that thingscan get better.
From the Hardcover edition.


ELIZABETH EDWARDS is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir Saving Graces. She lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina with her two youngest children and husband, John.
From the Hardcover edition.


