



  • 外文名:regional
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈriːdʒənl]
  • 美式發音:[ˈriːdʒənl]


英 [ˈriːdʒən(ə)l] 美 [ˈriːdʒən(ə)l]
adj. 地區的,區域的;(與)首都以外各地(有關)的
n. (郵票、報紙等)地方版;<美>地區性體育競賽


regional economic 地區經濟;地域經濟
regional economy 區域經濟;地區經濟
regional distribution 地理分布
regional market 地區性市場
regional planning 區域規劃;區域計畫;區域計盡
regional geology 區域地質學
regional difference 地區差異,區域差異
regional structure 區域結構
regional center 區域中心
regional office 地區辦事處;區域性公司
regional disparity 地區差異
regional manager 地區經理
regional metamorphism 局部變質,區域變質
regional system 區域系統,局部的系統
regional anatomy 局部解剖學
regional sales manager 區域銷售經理;地區銷售經理
regional protectionism 地方保護主義
regional anesthesia 局部麻醉;傳導麻醉


  • 1The Garden's menu is based on Hawaiian regional cuisine.花園飯店的菜餚以夏威夷地區的烹飪風格為基礎。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Winners of each regional will advance to the super regionals.每個地區分支機構的獲勝者們將會晉級為超級地區性人物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies.權力已移交給省和地區議會。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news.觀眾們看到了他主持地區新聞的5分鐘綜述。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism.1980年地區政府的成立並沒有結束恐怖主義。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6As usual there will be the local and regional elections on June the twelfth.和往常一樣,6月12日將舉行地方及地區選舉。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches.迫於公眾的壓力,許多地區政府治理了海灘污染。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8We have a buoyant economy and unemployment is considerably lower than the regional average.我們有繁榮的經濟,失業率遠遠低於區域平均值。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9The web site provides regional weather reports, a shipping forecast and gale warnings. In addition, visitors can download satellite images of the U.S.這個網站提供地區天氣報導、出航預測和大風警報。另外,訪客可以下載美國的衛星圖像。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10It will reduce regional inequality.它將緩解地區不平等現象。
  • 11This regional bloc has fallen apart.這一地區性集團已土崩瓦解。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12The market place is no longer national or regional, but extends to all corners of the world.市場不再是全國性或區域性的市場,而是擴展到世界的各個角落。
  • 13Even in the recent recession, Helios's unemployment rate was lower than the regional average.即使在最近的經濟衰退中,Helio 的失業率也低於該地區的平均水平。
  • 14One such historian was Escott, who emphasized regional and economic conflict among Southerners.埃斯科特就是這樣一位歷史學家,他強調南方人之間的地區和經濟衝突。
  • 15We're new in East Asia, so we have to be careful in choosing the location for our regional office.我們剛剛來到東亞,所以必須小心謹慎地選擇區域辦事處的地點。
  • 16Even without the problem of regional differences, rocks present a difficulty as unique time markers.即使沒有區域差異的問題,岩石作為獨特的時間標記也是一個難題。
  • 17Facilitate interactions with policy-makers on latest national and regional initiatives and frontier issues.促進與決策者就最新的國家和區域倡議以及邊界問題進行交流。
  • 18He predicts high failure rates for smaller regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due.他預計,隨著商業房地產貸款到期,2010年規模較小的地區性銀行的失敗率會很高。
  • 19He predicts high failure rates for smaller, regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due.他預計,2010年規模較小的地區性銀行倒閉的幾率會很高,因為商業房地產貸款將到期。
  • 20Cerling's team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a mop of the regional differences.Cerling 的團隊收集了600個城市的自來水樣本,並構建了一個區域差異的群體。
  • 21Cerling's team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional differences.Cerling 的團隊收集了600個城市的自來水樣本,繪製了一張區域差異分布圖。
  • 22However, this approach does not include investment in new infrastructure, nor does it guarantee better regional cohesion.然而,這種方法不包括對新基礎設施的投資,也不能保證更好的地區凝聚力。
  • 23The spread of flu by carrier is akin to flying people or birds, meaning regional variations can spread quickly around the world.流感通過載體的傳播就像是人們坐飛機或是鳥兒飛翔一樣,意味著區域變異會很快傳播到世界各地。
  • 24It ends up that I have data on more than just the immediate Grant City area, so I also included some regional data in the report.最後,我得到的數據不僅僅是格蘭特市周邊地區的數據,所以我在報告中還包括了一些地區數據。
  • 25What they cannot build, they will buy, as they have begun to do with Volvo and many other established brands, including regional ones.他們不能建造的東西,他們會去購買,就像他們開始收購沃爾沃和許多其他老牌品牌一樣,包括一些地區性品牌。
  • 26A small segment of the urban society started to specialize in nonagricultural tasks as a result of the city's role as a regional center.由於該城市是區域的中心,城市社會中的一小部分人開始專門從事非農業工作。
  • 27TAM is planning to merge with LAN, a privatized Chilean airline that has long set the regional standard for efficiency in its home market.TAM 正計畫同智利私有航空公司 LAN 合併,後者在它的國內市場中,一直制定著效率的地區標準。
  • 28Uruk's dominant size in the entire region, far surpassing that of other settlements, indicates that it was a regional center and a true city.在整個地區中,烏魯克的規模最大,遠遠超過了其它居民點,這表明它是這個地區的中心,是一個真正的城市。
  • 29The regional model successfully simulates key features of the region's present-day cloud fields, including the observed response of clouds to El Nino.區域模型成功地模擬了該區域當今雲場的關鍵特性,包括觀測到的雲區對厄爾尼諾現象的反應。
  • 30Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.學生通過他們的學校加入一個團隊,學校提供一名志願教練,並象徵性支付一點費用,送學生參加地區和州的比賽。


