- 中文名:recursively
- 所屬分類:英語單詞
- 含義:adv.遞歸地
- adv.遞歸地
- 1Software architecture can be used recursively.軟體架構可以遞歸地使用。
- 2Traversing the JSF component tree recursively.遞歸式遍歷 JSF 組件樹。
- 3Ls -r recursively lists the contents of a - R可以遞歸地列出層次結構中的內容。
- 4These two steps repeat recursively and depth first.這兩步遞歸地以深度優先的方式重複。
- 5It's similar when you're dealing with Numbers recursively.處理數字時也與之相似。
- 6First, think about how you might compute an LCS recursively. Let.首先,考慮如何遞歸地計算lcs。
- 7If it is and it is not '. ', it traverses recursively into the directory.如果是目錄,並且不是“。”,則遞歸地遍歷該目錄。
- 8This template browses comments recursively for an image (threading down).該模板針對某張照片遞歸地瀏覽評論(遍歷評論)。
- 9If a lock is acquired recursively, the requesting thread already owns it.如果鎖是以遞歸方式被請求,那么發出請求的執行緒已經持有了它。
- 10The — recursive (-r) option makes rsync copy all directories recursively.recur sive (- r)選項讓rsync遞歸地複製所有目錄。
- 11Next it styles every file and recursively calls itself for subdirectories.接下來,它對每個檔案套用樣式,然後為子目錄遞歸地調用自身。
- 12A lock can be acquired in one of two ways, recursively or non-recursively.可以通過兩種方式(遞歸地或非遞歸地)的其中一種來請求鎖。
- 13In XSLT 1.0, you must write many algorithms, even simple ones, recursively.在XSLT 1.0中,必須編寫許多算法,甚至遞歸編寫簡單算法。
- 14You can use either the through hierarchy or the element, nested recursively.可以使用到這種層次結構,也可以使用遞歸嵌套的元素。
- 15The root directory is then recursively bind-mounted under /user/$user/.然後將根目錄遞歸地綁定掛載在 /user/$user/ 下面。
- 16If available, the attribute evaluation for this object continues recursively.如可用,則遞歸地繼續該對象的屬性計算。
- 17In some situations, you can use the Preferred Data Source Pattern recursively.在某些情況下,您可以遞歸地使用首選數據源模式。
- 18There is no way to specify whether subgroups are evaluated recursively or not.不存在指定是否要遞歸地計運算元組的方法。
- 19But, in fact, {1, 2, 5, 7, 3} and {14, 7, 26, 12} are sorted then recursively.實際上,之後還需要遞歸對{1,2,5,7,3}和{14,7,26,12}進行排序。
- 20If a subtree is found, the method calls itself recursively, as shown in Listing 18.如果找到子樹,遞歸地調用其本身,見清單18。
- 21Start with the largest object and let the tool recursively find elements to convert.從最大的對象開始,讓工具遞歸地查找要轉換的元素。
- 22This new support provides a different way to recursively navigate data relationships.這個新的功能提供了以遞歸方式讀取數據關係的另一種方法。
- 23Can your script be changed to recursively convert and split files in a directory?然後,你可以用soundconverter來把分割出來的flac檔案轉化為其它常用的格式。
- 24This can be used to allow a quick exit to deeply nested, recursively called functions.這可以使一個嵌套很深,被遞歸調用的函式很快退出。
- 25The search expansion on lemmas is applied to the search term directly, not recursively.在詞元方面的搜尋擴展會直接套用到搜尋辭彙中,但不會遞歸作用。
- 26If an element child is found, the method recursively calls itself with the child element.如果找到一個子元素,那么這個方法就使用這個子元素,遞歸地調用它本身。
- 27Then, the JSF framework traverses the tree recursively, updating the state of the components.然後,JSF框架遞歸式地遍歷組件樹,更新組件狀態。
- 28It recursively walks through a set of directories, applying the style sheet as it goes along.它遞歸地遍歷一組目錄,在這個過程中套用樣式表。
- 29This algorithm repeats recursively until all newly resolved subgroups have no further subgroups.此算法遞歸地重複,直到所有新解析的子組不再包含子組。
- 30These decisions are recursively nested and add increasing detail at lower levels of abstraction.這些決策遞歸嵌套,並在較低的抽象級別中不斷地添加細節。