



  • 外文名:reconstruction
  • 英式發音:[ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃn]
  • 美式發音:[ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃn]
  • 詞性:名詞


英 [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃn] 美 [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n]
n. 再建,重建;改造;復興
[ 複數 reconstructions ]


reconstruction /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃən/
1.N-UNCOUNT Reconstruction is the process of making a country normal again after a war, for example by making the economy stronger and by replacing buildings that have been damaged. (戰後國家的) 重建
2.N-UNCOUNT The reconstruction of a building, structure, or road is the activity of building it again, because it has been damaged. 修復; 重修 (建築、道路等)
3. N-COUNT The reconstruction of a crime or event is when people try to understand or show exactly what happened, often by acting it out. (犯罪過程的) 再現


technical reconstruction 技術改造
reconstruction method 重建法
post-disaster reconstruction 災後重建
Reconstruction Amendments 重建修正案
image reconstruction [計] 圖像重建 ; [計] 圖像重構 ; 圖象再現 ; 像重現
reconstruction of old area 舊區改造
cultural reconstruction 文化重建 ; 文化重構 ; 文化建設 ; 文化再造
surface reconstruction [物化] 表面重構 ; 曲面重建 ; 表面改建
signal reconstruction 信號重建 ; [通信] [自] 信號恢復 ; 信號重組
eXr ReConstruction Club Remix 不怕不怕
D image reconstruction 三維圖像重建


  • He said the task of reconstruction would demand much patience, hard work, and sacrifice. 他說重建工作會需要高度堅韌、勤勞和奉獻。
  • A wave of deadly bombings has forced the United States to divert funds from reconstruction to security. 一系列致命的炸彈襲擊迫使美國將資金從重建轉向安全防禦。
  • The early human skeleton reconstruction "Lucy" dating back 3.2 million years debuted yesterday. 昨天,追溯到320萬年前的原始人骨架重建“露西”首次亮相。
  • A full-scale reconstruction of a mid-section had been made in 1996, primarily to see how Bronze-Age replica tools performed. 1996年對中部進行了全面的重建,主要是為了了解青銅時代的複製工具是如何工作的。
  • Young Iraqis are to be encouraged to participate in the country's reconstruction, by cleaning the streets and repairing schools. 通過清理街道和修復學校,鼓勵伊拉克年輕人參與國家重建。
  • Reconstruction was only part of a scheme that would include a major exhibition and an extensive educational and outreach programme. 重建只是計畫的一部分,該計畫還包括一個大型展覽和一個具有廣泛教育意義的推廣方案。
  • Experimental archaeology seemed to be the solution: a boat reconstruction, half-scale or full-sized, would permit assessment of the different hypotheses regarding its build and the missing end. 實驗考古學似乎是解決方案:半尺寸或全尺寸的船隻重建將允許評估有關其建造和丟失端的不同假設。
  • Work began on the reconstruction of the road. 重修這條路的工作已經開始了。
  • Last night police staged a reconstruction of the incident. 昨天晚上,警方演出了再現事故經過的場景。
  • The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work. 門廊是19世紀時模仿諾曼式建築修建的。
  • Mrs. Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal. 克爾夫人過於悲痛以至不能參加對她受折磨場面的再現。
  • Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope that this will jog the memory of passersby. 警方已計畫明天再現犯罪過程,希望以此喚起過路人的記憶。
  • It's from the international bank for reconstruction and development in Washington. 這是從華盛頓的國際復興開發銀行寄過來的。
  • General Richards sums up the need as reconstruction, development, governance and relations with Pakistan, all wrapped up in a environment of growing security. 理查茲將軍總括了要做的事,諸如重建、發展、治理及與巴基斯坦的關係,所有這些都亟需愈加安全的環境。
  • They therefore permit the reconstruction of the process of seafloor spreading, and consequently of the geography of continents and of ocean basins in the past. 因此,它們可以重現海底擴張的過程,以及大陸和大洋盆地過去的地理位置發展過程。
  • The King of Spain Huan Karlos will donate his Russia State's premium to the reconstruction of memorials. 國王胡安卡洛斯一世將把俄羅斯國家的獎金捐贈給紀念館的重建。
  • Evaluate the intrarater and interrater reliability of a computer tool used for 3D reconstruction of the spine. 評估用於脊柱三維重建的計算機工具的內部和內部可靠性。
  • The sagittal reconstruction was performed with all the 79 lumbar disc lesions of lumbar vertebrae and rumpbone vertebrae. 矢狀面重建術是對腰椎和腰椎的全部79個腰椎間盤病變進行的。
  • The plan of reconstruction has not taken on the shape yet. 改建計畫尚不成形。
  • Probe into the value of the spiral CT 3-dimensional image reconstruction used in the diagnosis of the complicated membrum minor articulus trauma. 探討CT三維重建成像對診斷四肢複雜小關節外傷的價值。
  • Then it creates a 3d reconstruction. 然後它創造一個三維重建。
  • Third, speed up economic reconstruction. 第三,要抓緊經濟重建。
  • The reconstruction of the city is underway. 這個城市的重建正在進行中。
  • How does it function in pattern reconstruction? 它如何作用於圖案的重構?
  • Yet the next stage of reconstruction will be crucial. 儘管如此,重建的下一階段仍然至關重要。
  • So, the record of reconstruction in the South was mixed. 所以,有關南方重建的歷史紀錄是複雜的。
  • But as reconstruction began, growth would pick up again. 但隨著重建工作的開始,經濟成長會重回舊軌。
  • So the most underlying problem in reconstruction is money. 因此,災後重建最突出的就是資金問題。

