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rape,英語單詞,釋義為n. 強姦罪;強姦案;肆意損壞;肆意糟蹋;蹂躪;油菜 vt. 強姦;強暴


  • 外文名:rape
  • 釋義:強姦罪;強姦案;肆意損壞;肆意糟蹋;蹂躪;油菜;強姦;強暴


  • n.強姦罪,強姦案;(尤指對土地的)破壞,糟蹋;油菜;(榨汁後供制醋用的)葡萄渣
  • v. 強姦,強暴;蹂躪,破壞(地方);掠奪,搶奪


rape oil n. 菜油
rape seed 油菜籽
gang rape 輪姦
statutory rape 法定強姦罪


  • Rape is sexualized violence. 強姦是性暴力行為。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • He was charged with rape. 他被控犯了強姦罪。《牛津詞典》
  • The rape trial was sensationally halted yesterday. 強姦案審判昨天戲劇性地被中斷了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Some groups say that pornography demeans women and incites rape. 一些組織聲稱色情作品貶低婦女,並引發強姦案。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • I hope the police track down these perverts and charge them with rape. 我希望警方追查這些性變態者,並以強姦罪起訴他們。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • It is the victim who is often put on trial and, to add insult to injury, she is presumed guilty until proven innocent of provoking the rape. 受到審問的往往是受害者,更糟糕的是,她被假定為有罪,直到證明強姦並非由她挑逗而引起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • The fields are under wheat, rape and other crops. 地里種著小麥、油菜及其他作物。《新英漢大辭典》
  • The fields are under wheat, rape, and other crops. 地里種著小麥、油菜及其他作物。
  • It is surrounded by fields, rape, or wheat, or vines in the Palatinate, lavender in Provence. 它被田野包圍著,周圍是油菜、小麥、葡萄園、普法爾茨的藤蔓,以及普羅旺斯的薰衣草。
  • Their supposedly clean, green fuel has been gobbling up some of the choicest food crops, including corn, rape, and soya. 他們宣稱清潔、綠色的能源已經吞噬了一些最好的糧食作物,包括玉米、油菜和大豆。
  • Bees pollinate 90 commercial crops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables such as alfalfa, nuts, and oil-seed rape. 蜜蜂為全球90種商業農作物授粉,包括多數水果和蔬菜,例如紫花苜蓿、堅果和油菜。
  • Their safety and property are threatened by various crimes: robbery, theft, rape, kidnapping, murder, arson, vandalism and violence. 他們的安全和財產受到各種犯罪的威脅:搶劫、盜竊、強姦、綁架、謀殺、縱火、破壞公物和暴力。
  • Last June, Pfingst told his attorneys to go back over old murder and rape convictions and see if any unravel with newly developed DNA-testing tools. 去年6月,芬斯特讓他的律師去重新調查過去的謀殺和強姦定罪,看看用新開發的DNA 測試工具是否能弄清一些未解決的問題。
  • Last June, Pfingst told his attorneys to go back over old murder and rape convictions and see if any unravel with newly developed DNA-testing tools. 去年6月,Pfingst 要求他的律師重新審查過去的謀殺和強姦罪名,看看是否可以研發新的DNA 檢測工具。
  • Street crimes such as robbery, rape, murder and auto theft are clearly rising, particularly in Eastern European countries, such as Hungary, and in Western European nations, such as the Untied Kingdom. 諸如搶劫、強姦、謀殺和汽車盜竊之類的街頭犯罪明顯增多,特別是在類似匈牙利這樣的東歐國家和像英國這樣的西歐國家裡。
  • Ren Jinxiang is waiting until September to seed rape on her field. 任金祥要等到九月份才能在她的田地上播種。
  • For example, in the case of rape women were once too embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society. 例如在強姦案方面,女性曾經因感到尷尬而不敢向男性主導的警隊報告罪行,警隊中也充斥著對女性及其社會地位的性別主義觀念。
  • To sum up, the symptom of clubroot disease in rape is similar to it in cruciferae. 綜上所述,油菜中根瘤病的症狀與十字花科相似。
  • There aren't many rape seeds left. 下剩的油菜籽不多了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • The rape has bolted. 油菜抽薹了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • The rape of the Sabine women is a case in point. 羅馬人搶掠薩賓族婦女就是最好的例子。
  • If you want to report the rape, call the police right away. 如果想報案,必須馬上報警。
  • For 200 grams, it is 15 years, more than the minimum for armed rape. 達到200克的,判15年,比持械搶劫的最低量刑標準還高。
  • I'm going to light up a fat blunt and then I'm going to rape your mouth! 待會兒我就點上一支然後塞進你這死胖子嘴裡!
  • They are used on oil seed rape, wheat, sugar bed and garden centre plants. 這些物質被施用於油菜,麥子,甜菜和花園中的主要植物中。
  • There are, of course, exceptions; the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point. 當然,也有些例外。羅馬人搶掠薩賓族婦女就是最好的例子。
  • Bald headed young men pushing forward, rings in their ears, rape in their shiftless eyes. 禿頂的年輕男子迫不及待地向前走,耳朵上掛著耳環,用無奈的眼神瞅著你,像要逼你加快動作。
  • Play 'rape fantasy.' it actually scared me how into it he was. I felt like I saw his dark side. 玩‘繩子把式’。這個真正的嚇著我了,他的內在到底是個什麼樣的人。我覺得我看見了他的黑暗面。
  • He has an armed guard outside his office door, and his employees receive anonymous rape threats. 他辦公室門外站著一群全副武裝的保鏢,他的下屬收到很多匿名威脅信。
  • He has an armed guard outside his office door, and his employees receive anonymous rape threats. 他辦公室門外站著一群全副武裝的保鏢,他的下屬收到很多匿名威脅信。

