randy(Dolly Parton演唱歌曲)

randy(Dolly Parton演唱歌曲)

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《Randy》是美國歌手Dolly Parton演唱的一首歌曲,收錄在她1974年發行的專輯《Jolene》中。


  • 外文名稱:Randy
  • 所屬專輯:Jolene
  • 歌曲時長:01:53
  • 發行時間:1974年
  • 歌曲原唱:Dolly Parton
  • 音樂風格:鄉村民謠,搖滾,歐美流行
Randy in your eyes I see the promise of a future
The promise of love like I have never known
Randy cradled in your arms I feel like I'm in heaven
And heaven knows I needed someone like you for so long
So Randy take me with you for that's where I want to be
Teach me how to fly on these new wings you've given me
Randy let me show you what your love has meant to me
Randy let me be the only one you have and need
Randy you had given me reason to live again reason to love again and reason to
Randy you had given me new inspiration new dreams to dream and the reason to try
So Randy take me with you


