- 外文名:rancour
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈræŋkə(r)]
- 美式發音:[ˈræŋkər]
1. [rancour]∶指由於受人侵害或侮辱而產生的怨恨。2. [enmity]∶敵意,尤指相互間的仇恨或敵對 基本解釋 1. [rancour]∶指由於受人侵害或侮辱而產生的怨恨 2. [enmity]∶敵意,尤指相互間的仇恨或敵對 詳細解釋 1. 亦作“ 冤讎 ”。1.受人侵害或侮辱而產生的仇恨。唐 段成式 《劍俠傳·賈人妻》:“...
冤孽,漢語辭彙,拼音yuān niè,亦作冤業,佛教語,因造惡業而招致的冤報。解釋 佛教語,因造惡業而招致的冤報。;現常用於表示某人惡有惡報 1. [sin]∶佛教語,因造惡業而招致的冤報 遭了哪一輩子的冤孽 2. [enemy;rancour]∶仇人;冤仇 前生冤孽 3. [predestined relationship]∶因緣 出處 1. 亦作“ ...
最喜歡的 insult: Twat / You rancourous coiffured old sow 在你的的前半生你是:Osman II The Lunatic King of Turkey 已達到的人生目標:Meeting Mark Owen!還未達成的人生目標:to beat anyone in Suede at cards 最喜歡的辣妹成員:The dead one with the penis 周六夜晚最令你高興的事:Sunday off ...
(3) 通“怨”( yuàn)。冤仇,仇敵 [foe;enmity;hatred;rancour]無冤尤。——《鹽鐵論·毀學》掠拷冤濫。——《後漢書·楊終傳》孤魂抱深冤。——韓愈《謝自然》(4) 又如:冤衍(冤仇;罪咎);冤業之症(指由於結冤造孽而得的病症);冤冤相報(冤家對頭世世代代循環以惡相報)古籍釋義 康熙字典 《...
最喜歡的 insult:Twat / You rancourous coiffured old sow 在你的的前半生你是:Osman II The Lunatic King of Turkey 已達到的人生目標:Meeting Mark Owen!還未達成的人生目標:to beat anyone in Suede at cards 最喜歡的辣妹成員:The dead one with the penis 周六夜晚最令你高興的事:Sunday off 大...
《Nailed Through Her Cunt》是Aborted演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Engineering The Dead》。Rancour fed I grasp her head Hurl her ass against the wall Merry thoughts I disenthrall Taking my nails to devour her entrails With excremental lubricant I force them down in her cunt Violently piercing her...
Such is the continuing rancour about the decision to invade Iraq in the first place that it is almost impossible to debate this question dispassionately.首先民眾怨恨入侵伊拉克決定愈演愈烈,致使幾乎不可能冷靜地討論這個問題。But questions about potential organizational processes and activities that need ...
17She learned to accept criticism without rancour.她學會了坦然接受批評而不懷恨在心。《牛津詞典》18You must learn to accept defeat with good grace.你必須學會欣然承認失敗。《牛津詞典》19The new parking meters don't accept dollar bills.這種新型停車計時器不接受美元紙鈔。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》20It...
Following a long series of Iranian films by male directors about helpless women, Noushin Meraji here reverses the roles. Her protagonist’s psychology is a curious mix of cluelessness, pride, vulnerability, strategic lying and rancour. In the final analysis, however, this at times funny character...
由國家留學基金委員會委派,2003年12月至2005年1月,赴加拿大渥太華大學物理系訪問學習,期間參與導師Denis Rancour主持的“美——加大湖地區近百年氣候演變規律的研究”項目,同時協助導師講授大學物理電磁學、振動與波等課程。主講課程 講授大學物理、大學物理實驗和大學英語等課程。榮譽獎項 2012年,在新疆大學教師講課...
Before the rancour and disharmony Well money makes the world go round And round and down the drain We went to war on the floor of the exchange To all of us it was just a big game But God I loved it,making a profit from somebody's loss I never knew exactly whose money it was And...