英 [ˈrækɪt] 美 [ˈrækɪt]
n. 球拍(=racquet);<非正式>吵鬧(聲),騷鬧;<非正式>敲詐勒索,非法勾當;行當,生計;<美>球拍形雪鞋;硬球壁球
vt. 尋歡作樂,花天酒地(racket about/around);喧嚷,大吵大鬧
Table tennis racket
桌球拍 ;
桌球tennis racket
網球拍 ; 網壇騙局 ; 網球打球工具 ; 桌球拍
racket press 球拍夾 ; 網球拍夾 ; 網球拍夾夾網球拍以保持平整
Racket-tailed Treepie
盤尾樹鵲blade of racket 拍面
badminton racket 行的羽球拍 ; 聯合負荷
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
大盤尾face of racket 拍面
This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact. 這個網球拍能減輕撞擊所產生的劇烈震動。
She swished her racket aggressively through the air. 她咄咄逼人地把球拍揮舞得呼呼作響。
Can I try your new badminton racket? 我可以試用你的羽毛球拍嗎?
My hands blistered by holding the racket. 我的手因握球拍而起了水皰。
Before we play again, I'm going to buy a good tennis racket. 在我們再次比賽之前,我要去買一個好的網球拍。
With or without a club or racket, swing like you're hitting the ball. 不管是否有球桿或球拍,都要像在擊球時那樣揮動手臂。
We can take the football, shuttlecock and badminton racket to the park. 我們可以帶著足球,羽毛球和羽毛球拍去公園。
In the street, there was such a racket, such shouting, such blowing of trumpets, that it was deafening. 街上的喧鬧聲、吶喊聲、喇叭聲,震耳欲聾。
I'm sure he'll admit he was in the drug racket in the end. 我敢肯定最終他會承認他在從事非法毒品買賣。
He makes such a racket I'm afraid he disturbs the neighbours. 他如此大聲喧譁,我擔心他騷擾到鄰居。
He laid his tennis racket on the top of the shelf. 他把網球拍放在架子的頂部。
Somewhere along the line, holiday tipping went from an optional thank-you for a year of services to a Mafia-style protection racket. 一路走來,節日小費從對一年的服務表示感謝的選擇變成了黑社會性質的勒索保護費。
Compton secured space wherever he could find it, including a racket court. 康普頓在他能找到的任何地方都爭取到了一席之地,包括網球場。
Can I try you new badminton racket? 我可以試用你的羽毛球拍嗎?
A: Why the tennis racket? 幹嘛拿網球拍?
A: Can I try your new badminton racket? 我能用一下你的新羽毛球拍嗎?
I realised ideal beauty is a racket. 我意識到,理想的美是一種噱頭。
My hands blistered from holding the racket. 我的手因握球拍而起了水皰。
I said the textbook business is a racket. 你還說出版課本的行業怎么啦?
I have broken a string in my tennis racket. 我把網球拍上的一根繃繩給弄斷了。
The children always racket about in the courtyard. 孩子們總是在院子裡吵吵鬧鬧。
A: I bought a racket with ten bucks in the Wal-Mart. A:我在沃爾瑪花十元錢就買了個球拍。
The police are determined to break up the racket. 警方決定打擊這個非法行業。
Sure, we all know that Valentine's Day is a racket. 毋庸置疑,大家都知道情人節是個騙錢的玩意兒。
That filthy racket should be the first thing we ban. 這種烏七八糟的東西,應該首先禁掉。
Fastest Time to Pass Through a Tennis Racket Three times. 在最短的時間內鑽過網球拍三次。
At the end he cracked his racket onthe ground in fury. 最終,他憤怒地把拍子摔到地上。